24 February 2003 The WSO: a world-class observatory for the ultraviolet
Martin Adrian Barstow, L. Binette, Noah Brosch, F.Z. Cheng, Michel Dennefeld, A.I. Gomez de Castro, H. Haubold, K.A. van der Hucht, N. Kappelmann, P. Martinez, A. Moisheev, I. Pagano, Erez N. Ribak, J. Sahade, B. I. Shustov, J.-E. Solheim, W. Wamsteker, K. Werner, Helmut Becker-Ross, Stefan Florek
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The World Space Observatory is an unconventional space project proceeding via distributed studies. The present design, verified for feasibility, consists of a 1.7-meter telescope operating at the second Largangian point of the Earth-Sun system. The focal plane instruments consist of three UV spectrometers covering the spectral band from Lyman alpha to the atmospheric cutoff with R~55,000 and offering long-slit capability over the same band with R~1,000. In addition, a number of UV and optical imagers view adjacent fields to that sampled by the spectrometers. Their performance compares well with that of HST/ACS and the spectral capabilities of WSO rival those of HST/COS. The WSO, as presently conceived, will be constructed and operated with the same distributed philosophy. This will allow as many groups and countries to participate, each contributing as much as feasible but allowing multi-national participation. Although designed originally with a conservative approach, the WSO embodies some innovative ideas and will allow a world-class mission to be realized with a moderate budget.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Martin Adrian Barstow, L. Binette, Noah Brosch, F.Z. Cheng, Michel Dennefeld, A.I. Gomez de Castro, H. Haubold, K.A. van der Hucht, N. Kappelmann, P. Martinez, A. Moisheev, I. Pagano, Erez N. Ribak, J. Sahade, B. I. Shustov, J.-E. Solheim, W. Wamsteker, K. Werner, Helmut Becker-Ross, and Stefan Florek "The WSO: a world-class observatory for the ultraviolet", Proc. SPIE 4854, Future EUV/UV and Visible Space Astrophysics Missions and Instrumentation, (24 February 2003); Logo
Cited by 11 scholarly publications.
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Ultraviolet radiation


Space telescopes




Imaging systems


Instrumentation of the WSO-UV project
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