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View all- Cheng LLiang YLu YCheung Y(2025)GradToken: Decoupling tokens with class-aware gradient for visual explanation of Transformer networkNeural Networks10.1016/j.neunet.2024.106837181(106837)Online publication date: Jan-2025
For a machine learning model to generalize well, one needs to ensure that its decisions are supported by meaningful patterns in the input data. A prerequisite is however for the model to be able to explain itself, e.g. by highlighting which input ...
Approaches for visualizing and explaining the decision process of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently received increasing attention. Particularly popular approaches are so-called saliency methods, which aim to assign a valence to ...
Black box characteristics of machine learning algorithms seriously hamper their application in the certain fields, such as medicine, military, finance and so on. So far, the interpretability of machine learning remains as a challenge. In this ...
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