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View all- Tang LWang RLiu ZLiang YNiu YZhu WDuan Z(2025)Scenario-Based Accelerated Testing for SOTIF in Autonomous Driving: A ReviewIEEE Internet of Things Journal10.1109/JIOT.2024.349059812:2(1453-1470)Online publication date: 15-Jan-2025
With progress in 3D video technology, 2D to 3D conversion has drawn great attention in recent years. Predicting perceptually reasonable depth information from traditional monocular videos is a challenging task in 2D to 3D conversion. For the purpose of ...
Traditional Multi View Stereo (MVS) algorithms are often difficult to deal with large-scale indoor scene reconstruction, due to the photo-consistency measurement errors in weak textured regions, which are commonly exist in indoor ...
Accurately measuring the absolute depth of every pixel captured by an imaging sensor is of critical importance in real-time applications such as autonomous navigation, augmented reality and robotics. In order to predict dense depth, a general approach ...
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