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A Survey of Trustworthy Federated Learning: Issues, Solutions, and Challenges

Published: 19 October 2024 Publication History


Trustworthy artificial intelligence (TAI) has proven invaluable in curbing potential negative repercussions tied to AI applications. Within the TAI spectrum, federated learning (FL) emerges as a promising solution to safeguard personal information in distributed settings across a multitude of practical contexts. However, the realm of FL is not without its challenges. Especially worrisome are adversarial attacks targeting its algorithmic robustness and systemic confidentiality. Moreover, the presence of biases and opacity in prediction outcomes further complicates FL’s broader adoption. Consequently, there is a growing expectation for FL to instill trust. To address this, we chart out a comprehensive road-map for Trustworthy Federated Learning (TFL) and provide an overview of existing efforts across four pivotal dimensions: Privacy and Security, Robustness, Fairness, and Explainability. For each dimension, we identify potential pitfalls that might undermine TFL and present a curated selection of defensive strategies, enriched by a discourse on technical solutions tailored for TFL. Furthermore, we present potential challenges and future directions to be explored for in-depth TFL research with broader impacts.


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  1. A Survey of Trustworthy Federated Learning: Issues, Solutions, and Challenges



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        cover image ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
        ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  Volume 15, Issue 6
        December 2024
        727 pages
        • Editor:
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 19 October 2024
        Online AM: 23 July 2024
        Accepted: 02 June 2024
        Revised: 24 April 2024
        Received: 11 November 2023
        Published in TIST Volume 15, Issue 6

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        • (2025)Federated learning and information sharing between competitors with different training effectivenessJournal of Economy and Technology10.1016/j.ject.2024.12.0033(1-9)Online publication date: Nov-2025
        • (2025)A survey of security threats in federated learningComplex & Intelligent Systems10.1007/s40747-024-01664-011:2Online publication date: 29-Jan-2025
        • (2024)Bidirectional Decoupled Distillation for Heterogeneous Federated LearningEntropy10.3390/e2609076226:9(762)Online publication date: 5-Sep-2024
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        • (2024)Privacy Issues, Attacks, Countermeasures and Open Problems in Federated Learning: A SurveyApplied Artificial Intelligence10.1080/08839514.2024.241050438:1Online publication date: 3-Oct-2024

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