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ILP representation for Limited Preemption in Energy-Neutral Single-Core Systems
In this work, we present an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based approach that optimally selects preemption points for a set of real-time tasks. Beyond to meeting real-time constraints, the system must also consider energy availability constraints to ...
Total Execution Order in Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Systems
Many real-time systems nowadays must not only tolerate accidental faults but also targeted attacks. Typically, techniques such as replication and diversification are used to mask the malicious behavior of compromised nodes behind a healthy majority. This ...
Towards a Safe and Latency-Aware Fault-tolerant Scheduling Technique for Multi-rate Task Chains
In safety-critical real-time systems such as autonomous cars, fault-tolerance is essential for system reliability but can increase end-to-end latency and hinder schedulability. This paper presents a novel, safe, and latency-aware fault-tolerant scheduling ...
The Power of Duality: Response Time Analysis meets Integer Programming
We study a mutually enriching connection between response time analysis in real-time systems and the mixing set problem. Thereby generalizing over known results we present a new approach to the computation of response times in fixed-priority uniprocessor ...
Scheduling Dynamic Task-Sets in Time-Triggered Real-Time Systems
The time-triggered paradigm of activation has shown prominence in supporting safety critical applications deployed over distributed systems of networked nodes, particularly those with complex temporal constraints, e.g., distributed end-to-end deadlines. ...
SimPFair: tight fairness at low cost
The fair allocation of resources is a central problem in scheduling. In its minimal formulation, given a number of tasks (demands in manufacturing, flows in networking, etc.) modeled by a utilization, the goal of the scheduler is to allocate resources as ...
Leveraging Parallelism in Global Scheduling to Improve State Space Exploration in the SAG Framework
Response-time analysis (RTA) is crucial for ensuring the timeliness of real-time systems. As system complexity increases, there’s a growing need for RTA techniques that can automate the process of finding worst-case response times. The schedule-...
Towards Efficient Parallel GPU Scheduling: Interference Awareness with Schedule Abstraction
GPUs are powerful computing architectures that are increasingly used in embedded systems for implementing complex intelligent applications. Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict their temporal behavior, especially when multiple parallel tasks are ...
Taking One for the Team: Trading Overhead and Blocking for Optimal Critical-Section Granularity with a Shared GPU
Conventional wisdom maintains that the interval of time mutually exclusive access is granted to a shared resource (i.e., in a critical section) should be as short as possible. However, the arbitration of shared-resource accesses introduces overhead. As a ...
On the Feasibility of Sporadic Tasks with Restricted Parallelism on Heterogeneous Multiprocessors
Given a system of real-time tasks, a fundamental question is whether it can be feasibly scheduled on a specific hardware platform. Prior work has provided feasibility tests for the common sporadic task model on different types of multiprocessors. These ...
Marmot: Extraction of Fine-Grain Memory Access Profiles for real-time software
Enforcing deadlines in real-time systems calls for the computation of an upper-bound of the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) of tasks. In multi-core systems, shared-resource usage leads to interference between tasks running on parallel cores, resulting in ...
A Dynamic Priority-aware Coherent Cache Architecture for Reactive Real-Time System
Achieving predictability and performance for real-time workloads on modern multi-processors System-on-Chips is challenging. In particular, their complex hierarchy of caches leads to hard-to-predict memory interactions among concurrently executing tasks ...
Adaptive Scheduling for Real-Time Control
Controllers can be designed to adapt to dynamic changes in the computational capacity that is available for their execution by adjusting their control computations. The concurrent development of such controllers, and the algorithms for run-time scheduling ...
Formal Specifications of Real-Time AUTOSAR-Compliant Operating Systems
The AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR) is a set of documents that provide guidance for implementing automotive software. The Software Specifications of the Operating System (SWS_OS) standardizes interfaces and functional requirements for an ...
The Safe and Effective Use of Optimistic Period Predictions
- Sanjoy Baruah,
- Pontus Ekberg,
- Alexander Lindermayr,
- Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela,
- Nicole Megow,
- Leen Stougie
Parameters characterizing safety critical systems are generally assigned very conservative values for reasons of safety assurance. Provisioning computing resources on the basis of such conservatively assigned parameter values can lead to system ...
Elastic Scheduling for Graceful Degradation of Mixed-Criticality Systems
Many mixed-criticality system models drop all jobs of low-criticality tasks when a criticality mode switch occurs, ensuring that high-criticality tasks still can meet their deadlines in the new mode. However, this means that even important low-criticality ...
Managing End-to-End Timing Jitters in ROS2 Computation Chains
Typically, in a cyber-physical system (CPS), timing jitters between sensing and actuation adversely affect its physical behavior. Logical execution time (LET) paradigm has gained industry attention because it offers zero jitters in tasks’ response time. ...
End-to-End Schedulability of Virtualized Distributed Time-Triggered Systems
In most distributed safety-critical applications, real-time tasks executing on multi-core multi-SoC platforms communicate critical messages over a deterministic communication backbone. Virtualization is increasingly used in such systems to enhance ...
A Performance Evaluation of QUIC in Real-Time Networks
QUIC is a UDP-based transport protocol, standardized in RFC9000 (2021). It enhances privacy by encrypting entire packets and offers improvements over TCP, such as native multiplexing and connection migration. Despite these advantages, QUIC, like TCP, ...
Analysis of Long-term Average Behaviors of Probabilistic Task Systems
We present a Markov chain-based framework for studying the long-term average behaviors of periodic real-time task systems in which the tasks have stochastically varying computation times. In sharp contrast to previous work, we construct our Markov chains ...
Robust Schedulability Tests for Fixed Job Priorities: Addressing Context Switch Costs with Non-Resumable Delays
In this research, we extend the traditional model of recurrent real-time tasks to incorporate the cost of context switches; we introduce the concept of Non-Resumable delays (i.e., loading phases are preemptive, but the processing time already expended in ...
Exact schedulability test for sporadic mixed-criticality real-time systems using antichains and oracles
This work addresses the problem of exact schedulability assessment in uniprocessor mixed-criticality real-time systems with sporadic task sets. We model the problem by means of a finite automaton that has to be explored in order to check for ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems