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Independent general principles for constructing responsive software systems

Published: 10 February 1986 Publication History


Three general principles are presented that can be applied in early software life cycle stages for the definition of software requirements and designs with acceptable performance. They are genuine high-level considerations for meeting responsiveness goals without sacrificing understandability and maintainability, and without increasing development time and cost. The principles are derived from the interrelationships of two performance models: a queueing network based on computer system model and an execution graph software model. The performance effect of each of the principles is quantified using the models. Examples are given that illustrate how they can be applied to software systems.


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Walter F. Tichy

This paper quantifies the effects of the following three general principles for building efficient software systems: (1)Create separate, highly optimized program paths for the dominant (i.e., frequently executed or long-running) workload functions. (2)Minimize the product of processing time and frequency of execution of program paths. (3)Precompute as much as possible as early as possible (i.e., early during execution, during initialization, at linking/loading time, at compilation time, or at programming time). Principles 2 and 3 above are obviously not independent. The total processing time of a job is derived from a high-level flowchart of the system. The flowchart is composed of the familiar constructs for sequential, conditional, and repetitive execution. Given probabilities for the alternatives in the conditionals and the number of iterations for each loop, the expected processing time per job can be computed, and a closed queueing network model yields the response time. Several graphs illustrate the results. The author cites several of her case studies where the technique was applied. Automated tools for simplifying the analysis are not available. The author stresses that the principles can be applied during the early stages of the software life cycle. However, the quantification of the effects is limited by the availability and accuracy of the required flowcharts and parameters. In particular, Principle (1), the dominant workload functions, and Principle (2), the frequency of execution, may not be available until the system has actually been built and used. Principle (3) involves code tuning which cannot be done until implementation. If Principle (3) is applied in the user interface (e.g., by replacing a query language with a fixed menu), efficiency consideration may unduly handicap design. However, when optimizing an existing system, quantification of the three principles is possible, and is invaluable for comparing alternatives.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 4, Issue 1
Feb. 1986
106 pages
  • Editor:
  • Anita K. Jones
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 10 February 1986
Published in TOCS Volume 4, Issue 1


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