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SIGUCCS '72: Proceedings of the annual ACM SIGUCCS symposium on The administration and management of small-college computing centers
ACM1972 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
01 January 1972

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The computing center at the small-college: The sense of the meeting

The forces have met; they have agreed they have problems; they will meat again.

Such is the sense of most meetings and indeed this one was no exception. What was an exception was that some fifty individuals with the common experience of running small ...

Introduction to the symposium computer science and smaller colleges

Of the many problems facing smaller colleges, the most difficult may well be the selection of a philosophy adequate for these changing times. While financial difficulties cannot be disregarded, these are probably easier to understand than it is to ...

The computer center in the small college

William N. McBain engaged in a bit of crystal gazing as he contemplated the future of higher education in an article entitled “Education Ex Machina”1 His hero, Jack, marched to college; exchanged a number of dollars for an equal number of tokens; ...

The small computer: Pro and con

A university computing center is unique in the diversity of users it supports. It must serve the research and instructional needs of the faculty as well as the information processing needs of the college administrators. Each type of user makes different ...

Institute for educational computing

The Institute for Educational Computing of the Claremont Colleges provides timesharing services via a DECsystem10 (formerly known as a PDP-10) computer to colleges and high schools throughout the greater Los Angeles area. Operating as a non-profit ...

Computers in small colleges

The impact of computers upon our society is increasing almost daily. This impact, while having reached most segments of our society, is greater in some areas than in others. In the field of higher education the impact is so extensive that the larger ...

Comments on sources and types of service

I'd like to ask for a show of hands: How many of you represent state-supported institutions? How many represent private institutions? Looks like Just about half and half. Okay. I think that we all know, and it probably is appropriate to re-emphasize, ...

Discussant comments on sources and types of service

When Jerry Engel asked me to serve as a discussant for this session, I said I'd be pleased to, but on second thought, asked how I should prepare for the job. His advice was, “Have your sense of humor, be prepared to fill in for Preston Hammer if he ...

Faculty development

My organization, the North Carolina Educational Computing Service (NCECS), is a regional computer center currently serving forty institutions of higher education in North Carolina. We have been heavily involved in faculty training since our network ...

The training of teachers in the use of computers in the classroom

Since the use of computers is increasingly common in school administrative and instructional programs, teacher and administrator training is of utmost importance. Teachers and administrators are being called upon, increasingly, to make important and ...

Programming support and faculty development: A view from an instructional computing consulting service

Three purposes have motivated this presentation. First, I would like to provide information about two projects in which I am involved in Michigan. The one of most interest for this symposium is Project EXTEND, a small college consulting service for ...

Comments on the administrative/academic interface

Wheaton College began with data processing twelve to fifteen years ago with the use of a 402 accounting machine for the college accounting system. This was soon replaced with the 403 and then a 407 as the applications began to expand beyond the business ...

Comments on the administrative/academic interface

Swarthmore College is a small liberal-arts college, located in southeast Pennsylvania. The attitude of the administration towards the computer until just recently was strictly hands-off. If you walked into an office and said, “How about putting ...

Comments on computer center policy

It looks like I will be touching on some of the topics that have just been mentioned, because some of them will be affected by whatever policy people might use for obtaining or selling data-processing services outside of the college environment. First ...

Comments on computer center policy

Several years ago we started teaching a beginning FORTRAN programming course, and, having no computer of our own, we used the University of South Dakota, which is about 45 miles away. This meant that I had to reserve the college station wagon and drive ...

The Federal City College Computer Center

The Computer Center is established to enrich the academic programs of the College, and to enhance the education of students. The Center seeks to fulfill these purposes by formal and informal classes, laboratory sessions, disseminating information to ...

Comments on the computer science/computer center interface

I'd like to find out how many people in this group come from institutions of 4000 or more students. How many of you come from institutions of 2500 or less? How many come from institutions of 1000 or less students? How many of you have your own computer? ...

Computer science education in small colleges - a report with recommendations

The Subcommittee on Small College Programs of the Committee on Curriculum in Computer Science (C3S), of the Association for Computing Machinery was appointed in 1969 to consider the unique problems of smaller colleges and universities, and to make ...

  • University of Connecticut Stamford Campus

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the annual ACM SIGUCCS symposium on The administration and management of small-college computing centers


    Acceptance Rates

    Overall Acceptance Rate 123 of 170 submissions, 72%
    SIGUCCS '14582441%
    SIGUCCS '13464393%
    SIGUCCS '10665685%