5GAKA-LCCO: A Secure 5G Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol with Less Communication and Computation Overhead
:1. Introduction
- We point out that one of the shortcomings of the 5G AKA protocol has not been completely overcome in the 5G-IPAKA protocol. This means that DoS attacks against both the SN and the HN can be formed, resulting in a great deal of energy consumption of both the SN and the HN.
- We point out that the 5G AKA protocol has large communication and computation overhead. This makes that a lot of energy is consumed whether the authentication is successful or failed. However, the 5G-IPAKA protocol has larger communication and computation overhead than the 5G AKA protocol.
- We propose a secure 5G authentication and key agreement protocol with less communication and computation overhead (5GAKA-LCCO) from seven aspects. Then, we formally analyze the security of the 5GAKA-LCCO protocol by using both the strand space model [29,30,31] and the Scyther tool [32,33]. As a result, the 5GAKA-LCCO protocol is secure in both the strand space model and the Scyther tool.
- Through further discussion and comparative analysis, the 5GAKA-LCCO protocol can completely overcome the shortcomings of the latest version of the 5G AKA protocol and is better than the recently improved 5G AKA protocols in overcoming these shortcomings. In addition, the 5GAKA-LCCO protocol has less communication and computation overhead than the 5G AKA protocol and the recently improved 5G AKA protocols.
2. Overviews of Both the 5G AKA Protocol and the 5G-IPAKA Protocol
2.1. The 5G AKA Protocol
- When the SEAF initiates authentication with the UE, the UE sends to the SEAF, where the UE includes the ME and the USIM. denotes a SUCI of the UE and , where denotes the subscription permanent identifier (SUPI) of the UE, and are an ephemeral public–private key pair of the UE for Diffie–Hellman exchange, and are the ephemeral public–private key pair of the HN for Diffie–Hellman exchange, and , is an encryption key, is an initial counter block (ICB), is a message authentication code (MAC) key, is a MAC of the UE, is a key derivation function, is a hash function for computing MAC, and denotes a concatenation.
- Upon receiving , the SEAF sends and to the AUSF. denotes the serving network name (SNN) of the SN.
- If the SEAF is entitled to use , then the AUSF stores the received and sends and to the UDM.
- The UDM invokes the SIDF when is received. Then, the SIDF de-conceals to gain before the UDM can process the request. Based on , the UDM/ARPF chooses one authentication method.
- When 5G AKA is selected, the UDM/ARPF generates , calculates and , and derives , and then creates a 5G home environment authentication vector (5G HE AV) from , , , and . is an unpredictable challenge of the HN. is an authentication token of the HN and , where is a fresh sequence number generated by the HN, is an anonymous key and , is the authentication management field (AMF) and the separation bit of the AMF is set to 1, is a MAC of the HN and , is a long-term key between the UE and the HN, is a message authentication function, and is a key-generating function. Here, , where is a cipher key and , is an integrity key and , is an expected response and , is a message authentication function, and and are two key-generating functions. is a key derived from and , and .
- The UDM sends the 5G HE AV to the AUSF together with . When an authentication and key management for applications (AKMA) subscription is used, the UDM also sends to the AUSF. denotes the AKMA indication and routing indicator.
- The AUSF stores the received temporarily together with the received .
- The AUSF generates a 5G AV from the 5G HE AV received from the UDM/ARPF by computing from , computing from , replacing with , and replacing with in the 5G HE AV, where , , and is a hash function.
- The ASUF creates a 5G serving environment authentication vector (5G SE AV) by removing from the 5G AV, then sends the 5G SE AV (i.e., , , and ) to the SEAF.
- The SEAF stores , and then sends , , , and to the UE. Here, is used by the UE and the access and mobility management function (AMF) to identify the and the partial native security context that is created if the authentication is successful. denotes the anti-bidding down between architecture (ABBA) parameter.
- In the UE, the ME forwards and to the USIM. Upon receipt of and , the USIM first computes the anonymous key and retrieves the sequence number . Next, the USIM computes and compares this with , which is included in . Then, the USIM verifies that the received is in the correct range. If is the same as and is in the correct range, then the USIM computes a response , and , and then returns , , and to the ME. The ME then computes , and .
- The UE sends to the SEAF.
- The SEAF computes and compares this with . If they coincide, then the SEAF considers that the authentication is successful from the serving network point of view; if not, then the SEAF considers that the authentication is unsuccessful.
- The SEAF sends the received to the AUSF.
- The AUSF compares the received with the stored . If and are equal, then the AUSF considers that the authentication is successful from the home network point of view. Then, the AUSF informs the UDM of the authentication result.
- The AUSF indicates to the SEAF whether the authentication was successful or not from the home network point of view (i.e., ). If the authentication was successful, then the ASUF also sends and to the SEAF.
- can be replayed without being found. The HN cannot find whether is a replayed message because does not contain the challenge of the HN. Similarly, the UE cannot find whether is a replayed message because does not contain the challenge of the UE (i.e., ), which is included in generated by the UE.
- Mutual authentication between the UE and the SN cannot be established. The UE cannot authenticate the SN because does not contain . Similarly, the SN cannot authenticate the UE for the following three reasons. Firstly, the SN does not verify , , , , and . Secondly, the second received message of the SN does not contain to match with in the first received message of the SN. Finally, the last received message of the SN does not contain , meaning that in the last received message of the SN cannot match the UE’s identity in and , which are included in the second received message of the SN.
- cannot reach an agreement. The last received message of the SN does not contain , so this message can be a replayed message, meaning that on the SN is not equal to on the HN. As a result, on the SN is also not equal to on the UE.
- Location privacy of the UE can be compromised. Because does not contain the challenge of the UE (i.e., ), the first received message of the UE can be a replayed message. If is in the correct range, then the location of the UE can be compromised by reidentifying . If is not in the correct range, then the location privacy of the UE can be compromised by identifying the “Synchronization failure” indication. That is to say, when the first received message of the UE is replayed, the legitimate UE responds to or a “Synchronization failure” indication, but any other UE responds to a “MAC failure” indication. As a result, the location privacy of the legitimate UE can be compromised.
- DoS attacks against the SN can be formed. Because the received messages of the SN do not contain the challenge of the SN, these messages can be some replayed messages. As a result, the penetrator can impersonate both the UE and the HN to complete the entire 5G AKA protocol with the SN, forming DoS attacks against the SN.
- Attacks based on MAC failure can be performed. Firstly, the penetrator can forge or tamper with the first received message of the UE to make the UE respond to a “MAC failure” indication, resulting in authentication failure. Secondly, the penetrator can directly send a “MAC failure” indication to the SN, causing authentication failure. Finally, the penetrator can also replay a “MAC failure” indication between the SN and the HN, causing authentication failure.
- Perfect forward secrecy cannot be provided. In the latest version of the 5G AKA protocol, if is leaked, then the penetrator can calculate and based on those messages transmitted in the past run of the protocol. As a result, the penetrator can decrypt those encrypted communication messages transmitted in the past run of the protocol. Therefore, the latest version of the 5G AKA protocol cannot provide perfect forward secrecy.
2.2. The 5G-IPAKA Protocol
- When the SEAF initiates an authentication with the UE, the UE sends to the SEAF.
- Upon receiving , the SEAF generates and then sends , , and to the AUSF, where is an unpredictable challenge of the SEAF.
- If the SEAF is entitled to use , then the AUSF stores the received and sends and to the UD.
- The UDM invokes the SIDF when is received. Then, the SIDF de-conceals to gain before the UDM can process the request. Based on , the UDM/ARPF chooses one authentication method.
- When 5G-IPAKA is selected, the UDM/ARPF generates , calculates and , and derives , and then creates a 5G HE AV from , , , and , where , , , , , , , , and .
- The UDM sends the 5G HE AV to the AUSF together with . When an AKMA subscription is used, the UDM also sends to the AUSF.
- The AUSF stores the temporarily together with the received .
- The AUSF generates a 5G AV from the 5G HE AV received from the UDM/ARPF by computing from , computing from , replacing with , and replacing with in the 5G HE AV.
- The ASUF creates a 5G SE AV by adding to the 5G AV, then sends the 5G SE AV (i.e., , , , , and ) together with to the SEAF.
- The SEAF stores , computes , and then sends , , , , , and to the UE, where is a MAC of the SEAF and .
- In the UE, the ME forwards and to the USIM. Upon receipt of and , the USIM first computes and the anonymous key and retrieves the sequence number . Next, the USIM computes and compares this with that is included in . Then, the USIM verifies that the received is in the correct range. If is the same as and is in the correct range, then the USIM computes a response , , and , and then returns , , and to the ME. The ME then computes , , and . Finally, the ME verifies using . If the verification fails, then the ME aborts.
- The UE computes , and then sends and to the SEAF, where is another MAC of the UE.
- The SEAF verifies . If the verification fails, then the SEAF aborts. Otherwise, the SEAF computes and compares this with . If they coincide, then the SEAF considers that the authentication is successful from the serving network point of view. If not, then the SEAF considers that the authentication is unsuccessful.
- The SEAF sends the received to the AUSF.
- The AUSF compares the received with the stored . If and are equal, then the AUSF considers that the authentication is successful from the home network point of view. Then, the AUSF informs the UDM of the authentication result.
- The AUSF indicates to the SEAF whether the authentication was successful or not from the home network point of view (i.e., ).
- Replace the pre-shared key between the UE and the HN with a derivation key of the pre-shared key. In detail, is replaced with on both the UE and the HN.
- Add the challenge-response mechanism for the SN. Firstly, is added to the first sent message of the SEAF as a challenge and is added to the second received message of the SEAF as a response. Then, is added to the second sent message of the SEAF as a challenge and is added to the third received message of the SEAF as a response (i.e., in ).
- Add the mutual authentication and key confirmation between the UE and the SN. Firstly, and are moved to the second sent message of the AUSF. Then, the UE and the SN perform a mutual authentication and key confirmation process based on and , which are generated by using .
- Replace the MAC failure procedure with the timeout mechanism on the HN. If and are different, then the UE directly discards the first received message of the UE without responding to a “MAC failure” indication, so the HN will initiate a new authentication procedure towards the UE when the HN does not receive an authentication response message or a synchronization failure message within a certain period of time.
3. Motivation
4. Our Proposed 5GAKA-LCCO Protocol
- When the SEAF initiates an authentication with the UE, the SEAF generates and , and then sends and to the UE, where is a timestamp generated by the SEAF.
- Upon receiving and , the UE sends to the SEAF, where and . Note that the time synchronization only needs to be maintained between the SN and the HN in the 5GAKA-LCCO protocol, so the UE does not verify .
- Upon receiving , the SEAF sends , , , and to the AUSF.
- If the SEAF is entitled to use and is valid, then the AUSF stores the received , and sends , , , and to the UDM. Otherwise, the AUSF aborts. If , then is valid, where is the current time of the AUSF and is the time difference set by the AUSF.
- The UDM first verifies . If is invalid, then the UDM/ARPF aborts. Otherwise, the UDM invokes the SIDF when is received. Then, the SIDF de-conceals to gain before the UDM can process the request. After the de-concealing process, the SIDF sends , , and to the UDM. If , then is valid, where is the current time of the UDM and is the time difference set by the UDM.
- The UDM/ARPF generates and calculates , where and .
- The UDM sends , , , , and to the AUSF. When an AKMA subscription is used, the UDM also sends to the AUSF.
- The AUSF calculates from , then sends , , , and to the SEAF, where .
- The SEAF stores , and then sends , , , and to the UE.
- The UE verifies based on . If the verification is successful, then the UE calculates from , and stores . Otherwise, the UE aborts.
- Modify the key derivation process of the pre-shared key. In detail, , where and are used to encrypt , is used to calculate and , and is used to derivate .
- Add the challenge-response mechanism for the UE. is included in of the first sent message of the UE as a challenge, and is added to of the third received message of the UE as a response.
- Add the challenge-response mechanism for the SN. Firstly, is added to the first sent message of the SEAF as a challenge and is added to of the first received message of the SEAF as a response. Then, is added to the second sent message of the SEAF as a challenge and is added to the second received message of the SEAF as a response.
- Add the timestamp mechanism for the SN and the HN. is added to the first four messages of the protocol, but is only verified by the AUSF and the UDM. To verify , time synchronization between the SN and the HN needs to be maintained.
- Remove the synchronization failure procedure. Earlier, SQNs were used in the 5G AKA protocol because strong random number generation was not possible in the USIM, but in the current generation, this is not an issue anymore [21]. Additionally, the SQN concealment mechanism is not sufficiently protected, leading to leakage of SQNs and thus allowing activity monitoring attacks [21]. Hence, we remove from and use alone.
- Replace the MAC failure procedure with a timeout mechanism on the HN. If and are different, then the UE directly discards the second received message without responding to a “MAC failure” indication, so the HN will initiate a new authentication procedure towards the UE when the HN does not receive an authentication response message or a synchronization failure message within a certain period of time.
- Reduce the communication and computation overhead of the authentication process. Firstly, the first sent message of the SEAF (including and ) is added, and the authentication of the UE is advanced to the verification of . Secondly, and are moved to the second sent message of the AUSF. Finally, after receiving the , the UE will no longer respond to the SEAF. This reduces the number of messages in the authentication process, as well as the communication and computation overhead.
- The timestamp mechanism for the SN and the HN can overcome DoS attacks against the HN. This is because the first received message of the HN in the proposed 5GAKA-LCCO protocol cannot be replayed because is included in this message.
- According to [2,3,4], the SEAF initiates an authentication with the UE during any procedure for establishing a signaling connection with the UE, according to SEAF’s policy. If the random number mechanism is used to overcome DoS attacks against the HN, then the first received message of the HN must be sent from the SEAF, and the HN responds to the SEAF with a random number. However, the first received message of the HN can be replayed, which means that DoS attacks against the HN still cannot be overcome.
5. Formal Verification of the 5GAKA-LCCO Protocol
- The parties of the 5GAKA-LCCO protocol shown in Figure 5 are simplified as the UE, SN, and HN.
- There is a session key between the SN and the HN, and it is secure.
- and do not affect the security of the 5G AKA protocol, so they are ignored here.
- : .
- : .
- : .
- : .
- : .
5.1. Security Proof Based on the Strand Space Model
5.2. Security Simulation Based on the Scyther Tool
6. Discussion
6.1. Security of the 5GAKA-LCCO Protocol
6.2. Communication, Computation, and Storage Overhead of the 5GAKA-LCCO Protocol
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
the ABBA parameter | |
, | two anonymous keys |
the AKMA indication and routing indicator | |
the authentication management field | |
a dummy value of all zeros | |
an authentication token of the HN | |
an authentication token of the SEAF | |
a resynchronization parameter | |
a base key derived from | |
a cipher key | |
the generation and verification of an ECDH exchange | |
the generation and verification of a symmetric key encryption and decryption process | |
an encryption key | |
, , | three message authentication functions |
, , , | four key generating functions |
the generation and verification of a key function or a key derivation function or a MAC function or a hash function | |
a hash function for computing MAC | |
one message that are not inspected by the SN | |
the HN | |
a hashing response from | |
a hashing expected response from | |
an initial counter block | |
an integrity key | |
a long-term key between the UE and the HN | |
a key between the UE and the access and mobility management function | |
a key derived from and | |
the key set of the penetrator | |
a key derived from | |
the session key between the SN and the HN | |
a key derivation function | |
a MAC of the HN | |
a MAC of the ARPF | |
the “MAC failure” indication | |
a MAC of the SEAF | |
a MAC of the SN | |
a MAC of the UE | |
another MAC of the UE | |
a MAC key | |
identifying the and the partial native security context | |
the generation and verification of a public key encryption and decryption process | |
an unpredictable challenge of the HN | |
, | two unpredictable challenges of the SEAF |
an unpredictable challenge of the UE | |
a challenge calculated based on and | |
a response | |
a response from | |
the authentication result | |
the identity of the SEAF | |
a hash function | |
the SN | |
the serving network name of the SN | |
a fresh sequence number generated by the HN | |
the highest sequence number the USIM has accepted | |
a SUCI of the UE | |
a SUPI of the UE | |
the “Synchronization failure” indication | |
the current time of the AUSF | |
a timestamp generated by the SEAF | |
the current time of the UDM | |
the UE | |
an ephemeral private key of the UE for Diffie–Hellman exchange | |
an ephemeral public key of the UE for Diffie–Hellman exchange | |
the generation and verification of an XOR value | |
a MAC locally computed by the UE | |
an expected response | |
an expected response from | |
an ephemeral private key of the HN for Diffie–Hellman exchange | |
an ephemeral public key of the HN for Diffie–Hellman exchange | |
the time difference set by the AUSF | |
the time difference set by the UDM | |
a concatenation |
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Security Issues | 5G AKA | [23] | [24] | [26] | [28] | 5GAKA-LCCO |
can be replayed without being found | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No |
Mutual authentication cannot be established between the UE and the SN | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
cannot be agreed among the UE, he SN and the HN | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
The location privacy of the UE can be compromised | Yes | No | No | No | No | No |
Dos attacks against the SN can be formed | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Dos attacks against the HN can be formed | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Attacks based on MAC failure can be performed | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No |
Perfect forward secrecy cannot be provided | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Fields | Size (Bits) |
128 | |
256 | |
48 | |
128 | |
64 | |
16 | |
128 | |
128 | |
64 | |
256 |
Protocols | Communication Overhead (Bits) | Computation Overhead | Storage Overhead (Bits) |
5G AKA | 3120 | 1ECDH + 1ED + 12F + 2XOR | 3328 |
[23] | 3248 | 4PED + 1ED + 10F + 2XOR | 7680 |
[24] | 3472 | 2PED + 1ECDH +1ED + 13F + 1XOR | 5504 |
[26] | 3664 | 1ECDH + 1ED + 12F | 3392 |
[28] | 3664 | 1ECDH + 1ED + 16F + 2XOR | 3328 |
5GAKA-LCCO | 2656 | 1ECDH + 1ED + 4F | 3392 |
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Share and Cite
Xiao, Y.; Gao, S. 5GAKA-LCCO: A Secure 5G Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol with Less Communication and Computation Overhead. Information 2022, 13, 257. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13050257
Xiao Y, Gao S. 5GAKA-LCCO: A Secure 5G Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol with Less Communication and Computation Overhead. Information. 2022; 13(5):257. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13050257
Chicago/Turabian StyleXiao, Yuelei, and Shan Gao. 2022. "5GAKA-LCCO: A Secure 5G Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol with Less Communication and Computation Overhead" Information 13, no. 5: 257. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13050257
APA StyleXiao, Y., & Gao, S. (2022). 5GAKA-LCCO: A Secure 5G Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol with Less Communication and Computation Overhead. Information, 13(5), 257. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13050257