Motion Capture Technology in Sports Scenarios: A Survey
:1. Introduction
2. Classification of Motion Capture Technology
2.1. Cinematography Capture Systems
2.2. Electromagnetic Capture Systems
2.3. Computer Vision Capture Systems
2.4. Other Motion Capture Systems
3. Application of Motion Capture in the Field of Sports
3.1. Construction of Athlete Performance Datasets
3.2. Real-Time Assistance for Athlete Training and Competition
3.3. Multi-Camera Motion Capture Technology for Training
4. Discussion
- (1)
- Indoor laboratory settings offer controlled environments with better control over factors like lighting, temperature, and humidity, reducing noise and interference. However, outdoor sports scenarios present complex and variable conditions, including wind, sunlight, shadows, and different surfaces (e.g., plastic, grass, snow, ice, water), which can impact the accuracy and stability of motion capture systems. Outdoor conditions also experience changes in temperature, humidity, and visibility, while non-isolated environments introduce sound, lighting, and electromagnetic interference, further affecting motion capture tasks. Overcoming these environmental limitations is crucial for ensuring accurate and reliable motion capture in sports.
- (2)
- System setup: Indoor laboratory settings offer easier installation and calibration of motion capture systems due to the controlled environment. However, outdoor sports scenarios present more complex conditions, requiring additional effort for system setup and adjustment to achieve higher accuracy and precision. The precision of the measurement method is inversely proportional to the effective working range of the system. In sports scenarios, where large-scale motion scenes are common, capturing human kinematic information requires additional software and hardware optimization methods. These challenges necessitate careful system setup and optimization to ensure accurate motion capture in outdoor sports environments [84].
- (3)
- Motion characteristics: The movements in indoor laboratory settings are usually simple and single, such as gait analysis or arm movements. For these types of movements, indoor motion capture systems can provide high-quality data. In outdoor sports scenarios, there may be more complex movements, such as aerial rotations or limb flips, which can be distorted or inaccurate due to environmental factors. Motion capture for sports scenarios often requires capturing fast movements. In specific research scenarios, such as ballistic analysis in shooting or instant analysis of baseball swings, the sampling frequency may exceed 1000 Hz [16].
- (4)
- Data processing: Data processing is relatively straightforward in indoor laboratory settings because the data in controlled environments are usually stable and accurate [85]. In outdoor sports scenarios, data processing needs to consider more factors, such as lighting and environmental noise issues, occlusion and penetration issues, motion model establishment, data noise, and filtering issues [86].
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Application Example | ||
Cinematography Capture | Active Marker | Landing Technique [20] | |
Passive Marker | Gait Analysis [21] | ||
Electromagnetic Capture Systems | GNSS | Soccer Player Kinematic Data Acquisition [22] | |
IMU | Motion Data Validation [23] | ||
UWB | Tennis Player Positioning [24] | ||
LPM | Youth Soccer Performance [25] | ||
Computer Vision Capture | Single-Person | 2D | Gait Analysis [26] |
3D | Handball Action Analysis [27] | ||
Multi-Person | Bottom-Up | Baseball Swing Assessment [28] | |
Top-Down | Gait Analysis [29] | ||
Other | Audio Modality | Activity Recognition [30] | |
Radar Modality | Activity Recognition [31] | ||
Wi-Fi Modality | Cross-scene Action Recognition [32] | ||
Fusion Modality | Ski Racing Biomechanics [33] |
Motion Capture Technology | Accuracy | Advantages | Constraints | Robustness | Repeatability | Reliability | Sports Scenarios | Sports Applications |
Cinematography | High | High accuracy, suitable for complex movements | Limited capture volume, marker occlusion | Medium | High | High | Lab-based analysis, technique evaluation | Biomechanical analysis, technique optimization, injury prevention |
Wearable Sensors | Medium | No marker occlusion, large capture volume, real-time tracking | Prone to electromagnetic interference, lower accuracy than optical systems | High | High | Medium to High | Indoor and outdoor training, competition monitoring | Real-time performance tracking, load monitoring, tactical analysis |
Computer Vision | Medium to High | Markerless tracking, flexible setup | Line of sight, lighting, computationally intensive, sensitive to lighting conditions | Medium to High | High | Medium | Lab-based analysis, technique evaluation | Biomechanical analysis, technique optimization, movement pattern recognition |
Others (e.g., Fusion Modality) | High | Integrating the advantages of multiple sensors | Sensor synchronization | High | High | High | Comprehensive performance analysis | Multifaceted performance assessment, injury risk prediction |
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Share and Cite
Suo, X.; Tang, W.; Li, Z. Motion Capture Technology in Sports Scenarios: A Survey. Sensors 2024, 24, 2947.
Suo X, Tang W, Li Z. Motion Capture Technology in Sports Scenarios: A Survey. Sensors. 2024; 24(9):2947.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSuo, Xiang, Weidi Tang, and Zhen Li. 2024. "Motion Capture Technology in Sports Scenarios: A Survey" Sensors 24, no. 9: 2947.
APA StyleSuo, X., Tang, W., & Li, Z. (2024). Motion Capture Technology in Sports Scenarios: A Survey. Sensors, 24(9), 2947.