Comparative Study of Markerless Vision-Based Gait Analyses for Person Re-Identification
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Gait Analysis
2.2. Person Re-Identification
2.3. 2D and 3D Key Joints Estimation
3. Method and Problem Formulation
3.1. 2D Pose Estimation from 2D Video Images
3.2. 3D Pose Estimation from 2D Pose Keypoints
- The joint index numbers of the COCO dataset are as follows: 0-nose, 1-neck, 2-right shoulder, 3-right elbow, 4-right wrist, 5-left shoulder, 6-left elbow, 7-left wrist, 8-right hip, 9-right knee, 10-right ankle, 11-left hip, 12-left knee, 13-left ankle, 14-right eye, 15-left eye, 16-right ear, 17-left ear.
- The join index numbers of H3.6M dataset are as follows: 0-midpoint of the hips, 1-right hip, 2-right knee, 3-right ankle (foot), 6-left hip, 7-left knee, 8-left ankle, 12-spine, 13-thorax, 14-neck/nose, 15-head, 17-left shoulder, 18-left elbow, 19-left wrist, 25-right shoulder, 26-right elbow, 27-right wrist.
3.3. Gait Features
3.4. Gait Cycle Extraction
3.4.1. Interpolation and Smoothing
3.4.2. Getting Local Maxima and Minima
- Create a moving window. Let N be the window size.
- From the center point, calculate the slopes of all left points.
- From the center point, calculate the slopes of all right points.
- If all left slopes are positive and all right slopes are negative, then the center point is a local maximum.
- If all left slopes are negative and all right slopes are positive, then the center point is a local minimum.
3.5. Feature-Based Approach
3.5.1. Dynamic Gait Features
- The angles of the upper leg (thigh) relative to the vertical.
- The angles of the lower leg (calf) relative to the upper leg (thigh).
- The angles of the ankle relative to the horizontal.
- The means and standard deviations of the horizontal and vertical distances between the feet and knees and between the knees and shoulders.
- The mean areas of the triangle of the root () and two feet.
- The step length: the maximum distance between two feet.
- The gait cycle time: from (a) to (h) in Figure 5.
- The gait velocity: two times of a step length is divided by a gait cycle.
3.5.2. Anthropometric Static Features
3.5.3. Gait Feature Sets
- max_Rdegree: the maximum right knee flexion
- max_Ldegree: the maximum left knee flexion)
- min_Rdegree: the minimum right knee flexion
- min_Ldegree: the minimum left knee flexion
- initial_contact_hip_extension
- initial_contact_left_knee_extension
- initial_contact_left_leg_inclination
- initial_swing_knee_flextion
- mid_stance_knee_flextion
- terminal_stance_hip_extension
- terminal_stance_right_knee_flextion
- terminal_stance_right_leg_inclination
- terminal_stance_left_leg_inclination
- terminal_swing_hip_extension
- terminal_swing_right_leg_inclination
- upper_body:
- right_lower_leg: the right calf w.r.t
- right_upper_leg: the right thigh w.r.t
- left_lower_leg: the left calf w.r.t
- left_upper_leg: the left thigh w.r.t
- left_stride =
- right_stride =
- RFoot_period: frames where the right foot is ahead of the left.
- LFoot_period: frames where the left foot is ahead of the right.
- period: the total frames in a gait cycle.
3.6. Spatiotemporal-Based Approach
- Left ankle, knee, and hip: , ,
- Right ankle, knee, and hip: , ,
3.7. Classification
3.7.1. Feature-Based Approach
3.7.2. Spatiotemporal-Based Approach
3.8. Datasets
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Training Ensemble Methods
4.2. Training Siamese-LSTM Network
4.3. Classification Performance Comparison
5. Discussion
5.1. Feature Study
5.2. Further Thoughts on Feature-Based Approach
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Random Forest | XGBoost | CATBoost | Siamese | ||||
Acc. | F1 | Acc. | F1 | Acc. | F1 | Acc. | |
MARS | 81% | 80% | 82% | 79% | 83% | 80% | 99% |
CASIA-A | 32% | 46% | 41% | 40% | 34% | 30% | 95% |
Random Forest | XGBoost | CATBoost | |
1 | period | left_stride | period |
2 | right_stride | right_stride | right_stride |
3 | left_stride | period | left_upper_leg |
4 | Lfoof_period | left_upper_leg | left_stride |
5 | Rfoot_period | terminal_swing_ hip_extension | terminal_stance_ hip_extension |
6 | right_upper_leg | terminal_stance_ hip_extension | max_Ldegree |
7 | min_Ldegree | left_lower_leg | Lfoot_period |
8 | terminal_swing_ hip_extension | max_Ldegree | main_foot |
9 | min_Ldegree | left_lower_leg | Lfoot_period |
10 | terminal_stance_ hip_extension | right_upper_leg | terminal_swing_ hip_extension |
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Kwon, J.; Lee, Y.; Lee, J. Comparative Study of Markerless Vision-Based Gait Analyses for Person Re-Identification. Sensors 2021, 21, 8208.
Kwon J, Lee Y, Lee J. Comparative Study of Markerless Vision-Based Gait Analyses for Person Re-Identification. Sensors. 2021; 21(24):8208.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKwon, Jaerock, Yunju Lee, and Jehyung Lee. 2021. "Comparative Study of Markerless Vision-Based Gait Analyses for Person Re-Identification" Sensors 21, no. 24: 8208.
APA StyleKwon, J., Lee, Y., & Lee, J. (2021). Comparative Study of Markerless Vision-Based Gait Analyses for Person Re-Identification. Sensors, 21(24), 8208.