Artificial Intelligence Based Approach for Classification of Human Activities Using MEMS Sensors Data
:1. Introduction
- (a)
- Rigorous experiments were conducted to prepare an extensive dataset of 9 different human motion activity classes which include (a) Laying Down, (b) Stationary, (c) Walking, (d) Brisk Walking, (e) Running (f) Stairs Up (g) Stairs Down (h) Squatting and (i) Cycling, the prepared dataset was then used for training and testing purposes for the ML and DL model(s). A detailed explanation is provided in Section 3.1.
- (b)
- Dataset prepared through these experiments was then used to train various ML and DL model(s) as specified in Section 3.2.
- (c)
- By combining an auto-labeling module with a DNN that uses Bi-LSTM structures, a supervised DL framework is designed, constructed, and proposed, which efficiently uses the extensively prepared dataset to achieve maximum HAR accuracy of 98.1%.
- (d)
- The proposed DNN Bi-LSTM-based model was then tuned by varying several model parameters to conclude the best possible model (hyperparameter tuning). Various parameters like training & testing time, and size of the trained network were also observed for the different cases (parametric analysis), as elaborated in Section 3.3.
- (e)
- Comparative analysis has been performed on the WISDM dataset, which is a publicly available dataset, Section 5 describes it in detail.
2. Literaure Survey
3. Methodology
3.1. Dataset
3.2. Machine Learning for HAR
- (a)
- Exactly as its name suggests, a Decision Tree represents a flowchart-like structure resembling a tree, where each internal node represents a test on an attribute, each branch represents a decision rule, and each leaf node (also known as a terminal node) exhibits the output. The parameters used for training the Decision Tree Classifier in our work are as follows, min_samples_split: this value indicates how many samples are required to split an internal node, min_samples_leaf: the minimum number of samples that must be at a leaf node. In each branch, the split point must leave at least min_samples_leaf training samples [63].
- (b)
- Random Forest Classifier is a supervised ML algorithm that can be used to perform classification as well as regression problems, It aggregates several decision trees from various subsets of the dataset and improves predictive accuracy by taking the average. Its advantages include less train time than other algorithms and running efficiently on large datasets. The parameters used for training the Random Forest Classifier in our work are as follows, n_estimators: it specifies the number of trees in the forest, criterion: the quality of split is measured using this function, Random State: the randomness and bootstrapping is controlled with the help of this function [63].
- (c)
- One of the simplest machine learning algorithms is the K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Classifier, which uses proximity to classify or predict data points. A new case is placed into the category with the highest similarity to the available categories based on the similarity between the new case and the previously available cases. Since it does not learn from the training set immediately, it is also known as a lazy learner algorithm. Instead of learning from the dataset immediately, it stores it and later on performs a classification algorithm on it. The parameters used for training the KNN Classifier in our work are as follows, algorithm: the algorithm used to compute the nearest neighbours, possible values are ‘auto’, ‘ball_tree’, ‘kd_tree’, and ‘brute’, n_neighbors: specifies the number of neighbors to use by default for k-neighbors queries, Weights: function is used to make predictions, possible values are ‘uniform’, ‘distance’, and [callable] [63].
- (d)
- Multinomial Logistic Regression is a modified version of logistic regression to incorporate multi-class problems as by default logistic regression performs binary classification (i.e., 0 or 1). The parameters used for training the KNN Classifier in our work are as follows, Dual: formulation with dual or primal components. The dual formulation is only implemented with the liblinear solver for l2 penalties. When the value of n_samples is greater than n_features, dual=False is preferred, Tol: stopping criteria tolerance, C: this value is the reverse of regularization strength and must be positive. Smaller values indicate stronger regularization, as in support vector machines, fit_intercept: it indicates whether the decision function should include a constant (a.k.a. bias or intercept) [63].
- (e)
- Bayes’ theorem is applied with strong independence assumptions in Gaussian Naive Bayes probabilistic classification algorithm. Regarding classification, independence means that the presence of one feature value does not affect the presence of another. The parameters used for training the Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier in our work are as follows, var_smoothing: for calculation stability, a portion of the largest variance of all features is added to variances [63].
- (f)
- Support Vector Machine (SVM) plots each data item as a point in n-dimensional space (where n is the number of features), with each feature’s value being the coordinate value. Once the hyperplane differentiates the two classes very well, classification is conducted. After breaking down the multiclassification problem into multiple binary classification problems, the same principle is applied to the multiclass classification problem. In this technique, data points are mapped onto high-dimensional space and mutually linearly separated into two classes by breaking the multiclass problem into multiple binary classification problems. The parameters used for training the SVM Classifier in our work are as follows, C: this is the regularization parameter, must be positive, Kernel: an algorithm’s kernel type is specified here, Degree: Degree of the polynomial kernel function (‘poly’), Gamma: it is a kernel coefficient [63].
3.3. Deep Learning for HAR
3.4. Architecture of the Proposed DL Model Using Bi-LSTM Neural Network for HAR
- (a)
- Bi-LSTM can output two output modes, namely, ‘sequence’ & ‘last’. Sequence outputs the entire sequence and last outputs the end of it. Since we only need the sequence’s final step, we selected ‘last’ [74].
- (b)
- State activation function of Bi-LSTM model has two activation functions ‘tanh’ & the ‘softsign’ functions for updating the hidden layers. We used ‘tanh’ as the weights and bias are updated more frequently when using the ‘tanh’ function due to its high derivative [74].
- (c)
- (d)
- Input weight initializers, initialize input weights, based on the following options, ‘glorot’—create weights such that every layer’s activation variance is the same, ‘he’—used in order to achieve a variance of approximately one, ‘orthogonal’—used to prevent gradients from exploding and disappearing, ‘narrow-normal’—starting with an average of ‘0’ and a standard deviation of ‘0.01’ input weights randomly selected from a normal distribution, ‘zeros’—weights are initialized to zeros, ‘ones’—weights are initialized to ones. We have selected ‘glorot’ as our input weights initialization function to maintain a smooth distribution for both forward and backward propagation [74].
- (e)
- Recurrent weights initializer serves as an initialization function for the recurrent weights. There are the same options as in the input weights initializer that we discussed earlier. We have selected ‘orthogonal’ as our recurrent weights initialization function because the gradient descent can achieve zero training error in a linear convergence rate for orthogonal initialization [74].
- (f)
- Input weights learn rate factor is multiplied by the global rate of learning in order to determine the input weights’ learning rate. To make the learning rate factor equal to the global rate of learning, we set it to ‘1’ [74].
- (g)
- Recurrent weights learn rate factor is the learning rate factor of the recurrent weights and multiplying it by the global rate of learning gives us the recurrent weights of the layer. For the recurrent weights, we set the learning rate factor to ‘1’ to make it equal to the global rate of learning [74].
- (h)
- Input weights layer-2 factor is used to reduce the possibility of overfitting, layer-2, it is a data link layer, regularization keeps weights and biases small. For the value 1, the input weights of data link layer factor matches the current global data link layer regularization factor [74].
- (i)
- Bias learn rate factor is a non-negative scalar or 1-by-8 numerical vector that specifies the learning rate for biases. A learning rate factor of ‘1’ is applied to biases to make them equal to the global rate of learning [74].
- (j)
- Bias layer-2 factor is a non-negative scalar is specified as the regularization factor for the biases based on the data link layer regularization. By multiplying this factor to the global factor data link layer regularization determines the data link layer regularization for biases in the layer. It’s set to zero because it doesn’t need to be equal to global data link layer regularization factor [74].
- (k)
- In Bias initializer, one of the following functions is used to initialize the bias, ‘unit-forget-gate’—creates the forget gate bias with ‘1’, the other biases with ‘0’, ‘narrow-normal’—starting with an average of ‘0’ and a standard deviation of ‘0.01’ input weights randomly selected from a normal distribution, ‘ones’—weights are initialized to ones. We used ‘unit-forget-gate’ to decide what information should be paid attention to and which should be ignored [74].
4. Performance Evaluation and Results
5. Comparative Analysis
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Author, Year | Dataset | Purpose | Classification Techniques | Accuracy | Comments |
Prasad et al, 2021 [12] | Self collected | Classification of 6 different classes of activities | Two dimensional CNN model | 89.67% | Only accelerometer is used to collect data, accuracy can also be improved by other DL models. |
Ronao et al, 2014 [21] | Self collected | Classification of 6 different classes of activities | HMM-GMM classifier | 91.76% | The HMM-GMM model performed better than ANN, DT and NB |
Krishnan et al, 2009 [23] | Self collected | Recognition of short duration hand movement | AdaBoost, HMM, k-NN | 86% | Collecting data using large amount of sensors can increase accuracy but it is not feasible. |
Qi et al, 2019 [24] | Self collected | Classification of 12 different classes of activities | FR-DCNN classifier | Normal dataset–95.27% Compressed dataset–94.18% | The proposed model performed really well with a fast speed and good accuracy. |
Ali et al, 2020 [25] | Self collected | Classifying activities in stationary, light ambulatory, intense ambulatory and abnormal classes | J48 Classifier | stationary activities–80% other activities–70% | Their work can have implementation in medical field for monitoring purposes but a higher magnitude of accuracy is required. |
Hammerla et al, 2019 [26] | Opp, PAMAP2 DG | Classifying 11 Activities of daily living | CNN, LSTM and b-LSTM | CNN–93.7% LSTM–76% b-LSTM–92.7% | This works claimed that CNN should be preffered for long-term activities and RNN for short-term |
Maurer et al, 2006 [27] | Self collected | Comparing the impact of sampling rate and location of data collecting device on the accuracy | Decision tree | Highest accuracy–92.8% | No significant change in accuracy was noted above 20Hz sampling rate |
He et al, 2008 [30] | Self collected | Classification of 4 different classes of activities | SVM model | 92.25% | The position of accelerometer depends on the type of activity one wants to recognise. |
Suwannarat et al, 2021 [33] | UCI HAR, the Real World 2016 and the WISDM | To create a light weight classification model | DNN based classifier | Comparitive or better accuracy than baseline classifier | The model presented can have many application specially in smartwatches. |
HAR Class | Numeric Value | HAR Class | Numeric Value |
Laying | 0 | Squatting | 5 |
Stationary | 1 | Stairs-up | 6 |
Walking | 2 | Stairs-down | 7 |
Brisk-walking | 3 | Cycling | 8 |
Running | 4 |
Sensors | Parameters Read |
Accelerometer | Acceleration, Orientation |
Gyroscope | Angular Velocity, Orientation |
Magnetometer | Magnetic Field |
Purpose | Device | Specifications |
Data collection | Smartphone | 128 GB 6 GB RAM, Exynos 9825 (7 nm), Octa-core (2 × 2.73 GHz Exynos M4 & 2 × 2.40 GHz Cortex-A75 & 4 × 1.95 GHz Cortex-A55) |
Model training | Laptop | 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1135G7 @ 2.40 GHz 2.42 GHz, 16.0 GB RAM |
Dataset | Subject | Sample Rate (Hz) | Activity | Sample | Sensor | Reference |
OPPORTUNITY | 4 | 32 | 16 | 191,564 | A, G, M | [52] |
PAMAP2 | 9 | 100 | 18 | 64,173 | A, G, M | [53] |
DSA | 8 | 25 | 19 | 75,998 | A, G, M | [54] |
MHEALTH | 10 | 50 | 12 | 40,522 | A, G, M | [55] |
HHAR | 9 | 100–200 | 6 | 366,038 | A, G | [56] |
Skoda | 1 | 96 | 10 | 22,000 | A | [57] |
Daphnet Gait | 10 | 64 | 2 | 49,942 | A | [58] |
UCI Smartphone | 30 | 50 | 6 | 10,299 | A, G | [22] |
USC-HAD | 14 | 100 | 12 | 41,998 | A, G | [59] |
SHO | 10 | 50 | 7 | 20,998 | A, G, M | [60] |
WISDM v1.1 | 29 | 20 | 6 | 91,515 | A | [61] |
WISDM v2.0 | 36 | 20 | 6 | 248,653 | A | [62] |
Our Custom Dataset | 3 | 100 | 9 | 3,631,500 | A, G, M | - |
Classifier Name | Parameter | Parameter Value |
Random Forest | 1. n_estimators 2. criterion 3. random state | 1. 100 2. gini 3. 43 |
Decision Tree | 1. min_samples_split 2. min_samples_leaf | 1. 2 2. 1 |
Support Vector Machine | 1. C 2. Kernel 3. Degree 4. gamma | 1. 1 2. rbf 3. 3 4. scale |
Gaussian Naïve Bayes | 1. var_smoothing | 1. |
K Nearest Neighbours | 1. algorithm 2. n_neighbors 3. weights | 1. auto 2. 10 3. uniform |
Multinomial Logistic Regression | 1. dual 2. tol 3. C 4. fit_intercept | 1. false 2. 3. 1 4. true |
X_acc | Y_acc | Z_acc | X_angvel | Y_angvel | Z_angvel | X_mf | Y_mf | Z_mf | X_orien | Y_orien | Z_orien | |
X_acc | 1 | |||||||||||
Y_acc | 1 | |||||||||||
Z_acc | 1 | |||||||||||
X_angvel | 1 | |||||||||||
Y_angvel | 1 | |||||||||||
Z_angvel | 1 | |||||||||||
X_mf | 1 | |||||||||||
Y_mf | 1 | |||||||||||
Z_mf | 1 | |||||||||||
X_orien | 1 | |||||||||||
Y_orien | 1 | |||||||||||
Z_orien | 1 |
Model | Test Accuracy % |
Multinomial Logistic Regression | 67 |
Gaussian Naive Bayes | 89 |
Decision Tree Classifier | 93 |
Random Forest Classifier | 95 |
K Neighbors Classifier | 91 |
Support Vector Machine | 93 |
No. of Hidden Layers | No. of Training elements | No. of Testing Elements | Total Training Time (sec) | Total Testing Time (sec) | Training Time per Element | Testing Time per Element | Testing Accuracy | Size of Trained Network (KB) |
10 | 5084 | 2179 | 1274.9 | 26.26 | 250.77 | 12.05 | 90.5 | 1,143,306 |
20 | 5084 | 2179 | 366.73 | 24.68 | 72.13 | 11.33 | 95.1 | 1,143,364 |
30 | 5084 | 2179 | 743.61 | 8.38 | 146.26 | 3.85 | 95.7 | 1,143,387 |
40 | 5084 | 2179 | 432.96 | 24.9 | 85.16 | 11.43 | 96.9 | 1,143,465 |
50 | 5084 | 2179 | 412.32 | 8.61 | 81.1 | 3.95 | 97.06 | 1,143,522 |
60 | 5084 | 2179 | 408.23 | 8.45 | 80.3 | 3.88 | 97.29 | 1,143,557 |
70 | 5084 | 2179 | 371.23 | 8.42 | 73.02 | 3.86 | 95.96 | 1,143,647 |
80 | 5084 | 2179 | 336.83 | 9.18 | 66.25 | 4.21 | 96.65 | 1,143,758 |
90 | 5084 | 2179 | 969.36 | 20.24 | 190.67 | 9.29 | 98.1 | 1,143,849 |
100 | 5084 | 2179 | 376.1 | 8.27 | 73.98 | 3.8 | 97.15 | 1,144,000 |
110 | 5084 | 2179 | 342.52 | 8.07 | 67.37 | 3.7 | 97.4 | 1,144,137 |
120 | 5084 | 2179 | 417.89 | 9.65 | 82.2 | 4.43 | 97.43 | 1,144,315 |
Parameters | Value/Function |
Output mode | last |
State activation function | tanh |
Gate activation function | sigmoid |
Input weights initializer | glorot |
Recurrent weights initializer | orthogonal |
Input weights learn rate factor | 1 |
Recurrent weights learn rate factor | 1 |
Input weights layer-2 factor | 1 |
Bias learn rate factor | 1 |
Bias layer-2 | 1 |
Bias initializer | unit-forget-gate |
Class | Precision | Recall | F1 Score |
0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 0.90 | 0.96 | 0.93 |
3 | 0.96 | 0.88 | 0.92 |
3 | 0.99 | 1 | 0.99 |
5 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
6 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 |
7 | 0.99 | 0.99 | 0.99 |
8 | 0.78 | 0.99 | 0.99 |
Train-Test (%) | Observed Accuracy (%) |
60–40 | 96.5 |
65–35 | 97.2 |
70–30 | 98.1 |
75–25 | 97.9 |
80–20 | 95.5 |
85–15 | 97.8 |
Parameters | Value |
Number of examples | 1,098,207 |
Number of classes | 6 |
Missing attribute values | NONE |
Walking | 424,400 (38.6%) |
Jogging | 342,177 (31.2%) |
Upstairs | 122,869 (11.2%) |
Downstairs | 100,427 (9.1%) |
Sitting | 59,939 (5.5%) |
Standing | 48,395 (4.4%) |
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Khan, Y.A.; Imaduddin, S.; Singh, Y.P.; Wajid, M.; Usman, M.; Abbas, M. Artificial Intelligence Based Approach for Classification of Human Activities Using MEMS Sensors Data. Sensors 2023, 23, 1275.
Khan YA, Imaduddin S, Singh YP, Wajid M, Usman M, Abbas M. Artificial Intelligence Based Approach for Classification of Human Activities Using MEMS Sensors Data. Sensors. 2023; 23(3):1275.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKhan, Yusuf Ahmed, Syed Imaduddin, Yash Pratap Singh, Mohd Wajid, Mohammed Usman, and Mohamed Abbas. 2023. "Artificial Intelligence Based Approach for Classification of Human Activities Using MEMS Sensors Data" Sensors 23, no. 3: 1275.
APA StyleKhan, Y. A., Imaduddin, S., Singh, Y. P., Wajid, M., Usman, M., & Abbas, M. (2023). Artificial Intelligence Based Approach for Classification of Human Activities Using MEMS Sensors Data. Sensors, 23(3), 1275.