A Novel 6G Conversational Orchestration Framework for Enhancing Performance and Resource Utilization in Autonomous Vehicle Networks
:1. Introduction
- A novel proposed on-the-fly framework that is aligned with conversational AI assistance and automation;
- A conversational orchestrator to convert non-technical requirements into technical functional requirements using the Cloud Native Environment (CNE), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and micro-services;
- A performance evolution of the suggested framework to make it reliable and scalable.
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Framework
4. Implementation
5. Performance Evaluation
- Performance: The image size may influence the VMs’ boot times, memory requirements, and disk space. Larger images may require more disk space, memory, and longer boot times than smaller images. The usefulness and efficiency of the VMs can be enhanced by the additional features and apps that may be presented in larger images;
- Cost/price: Since some cloud providers base their prices on the amount of storage and bandwidth an image uses, their size can impact how much a cloud service will cost. Due to their higher storage and bandwidth requirements, larger images could have higher expenses than smaller images.
- Total duration: Indicates how long it takes to complete the scenario as a whole and each atomic action;
- Min: The minimal value of gained time for iterations of the scenario/atomic operation;
- Max: The amount of time spent on scenario/atomic action iterations is the greatest;
- Average: The median is the average time spent on scenario/atomic action iterations;
- 90%ile: 90% of scenario/atomic action iterations acquired time less than this value, making it the lowest duration value;
- 95%ile: The lowest duration number is 95%ile, which indicates that 95% of scenario/atomic action iterations took longer than this amount of time;
- Success: A 100% success rating will be displayed if a particular scenario runs successfully throughout all iterations. Failure is not a 100% guarantee of success if some iterations are unsuccessful;
- Count: a display of the total number of iterations.
5.1. Service Authentication Experiments
5.2. Network Experiments
5.3. Service-1 Deployment Experiments
VNF Assignment to Service-1
5.4. Service-2 Deployment Experiments
5.4.1. VNF Assignment to Service-2
5.4.2. Service-2 Migration Experiments
5.5. Service-3 Deployment Experiments
5.5.1. VNF Assignment to Service-3
5.5.2. Service-3 Migration Experiments
5.6. Service-4 Deployment Experiments
VNF Assignment to Service-4
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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[25] | 2005 | Puppet | Declarative approach | Provides automated infrastructure and continues delivery | Reduce the threat of external attacks | Limited flexibility |
[26] | 2009 | Chef | Declarative and imperative approach | Configuration management tool | High availability | Limited flexibility |
[27] | 2009 | JCLoud | Cloud APIs and libraries | To support multi-cloud environment and portability | Run time portability | No decentralization and network infrastructure |
[28] | 2009 | LibCLoud | Cloud APIs and libraries | To support multi-cloud environment and portability | Application portability | No decentralization and network infrastructure |
[29] | 2010 | Juju | Orchestration based tool | Components deployment using charms | Easy and quick deployment of cloud services | Limited flexibility |
[30] | 2012 | Ansible | Declarative and imperative approach | Configuration management tool | Easy with multi-playbook workflow | Limited flexibility |
[22] | 2013 | mOSAIC | Cloud APIs and libraries | Multi-cloud resource management to support portability of applications | Elasticity and auto scaling | Lack of network infrastructure, security and automated management |
[23] | 2013 | SAVI | Component-oriented approach | Built on the Virtualized Application Networking Infrastructure (VANI) | Flexible and versatile infrastructure for future applications | Requires highly technical skills |
[31] | 2014 | Terraform | Declarative approach | Provides infrastructure as a code | Provides support for different infrastructure providers | Difficult to manage states of resources |
[32] | 2015 | CometCloud | Layers approach | Autonomic framework to support end-to-end workflow | Heterogeneous and flexible | Lack of network infrastructure and auto scaling |
[33] | 2017 | MADONA | Component-oriented approach | Automatic provisioning of cloud applications | Reduces technical knowledge | High provisioning time |
[24] | 2020 | Virtual Infrastructure Orchestration | Scripts-based approach | Provides infrastructure automation of complex procedures | Reduces deployment time and minimize manual efforts | Limited flexibility |
[21] | Y | Y | Y | N | N | − | Y | N | N | Y | Python |
[22] | Y | Y | Y | N | N | Y | N | N | N | Y | Java |
[32] | Y | Y | Y | N | N | N | N | Y | N | N | Java |
[23] | Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y | N | N | N | N | Java and Python |
[24] | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | N | N | Y | N | Python |
[31] | Y | Y | Y | Y | − | Y | N | N | Y | N | Go |
[25] | Y | Y | − | N | Y | − | N | N | Y | N | Ruby |
[26] | Y | Y | N | N | Y | − | N | N | Y | N | Ruby |
[27] | Y | Y | N | N | Y | N | N | N | Y | N | Java |
[28] | Y | Y | N | N | Y | N | N | N | Y | N | Python |
[29] | Y | Y | − | N | Y | − | N | N | Y | N | Python |
[30] | Y | Y | N | N | N | − | N | N | Y | N | Python |
1 | Host OS | Linux Server |
2 | Cloud Platform | OpenStack |
3 | Linux Container | Docker |
4 | Orchestration Deployment | Multi-Cloud SDK |
5 | Conversational Platform | Rasa NLU/Rasa Core |
6 | Programming Language | Python |
Service 1 | 371.8 MB | m1.large | QEMU | Private |
Service 2 | 12.6 MB | m1.tiny | QEMU | Private |
Service 3 | 23.5 KB | m1.tiny | Docker (LXC) | Private |
Service 4 | 469.3 MB | m1.tiny | Docker (LXC) | Private |
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Share and Cite
Shahzadi, S.; Chaudhry, N.R.; Iqbal, M. A Novel 6G Conversational Orchestration Framework for Enhancing Performance and Resource Utilization in Autonomous Vehicle Networks. Sensors 2023, 23, 7366. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23177366
Shahzadi S, Chaudhry NR, Iqbal M. A Novel 6G Conversational Orchestration Framework for Enhancing Performance and Resource Utilization in Autonomous Vehicle Networks. Sensors. 2023; 23(17):7366. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23177366
Chicago/Turabian StyleShahzadi, Sonia, Nauman Riaz Chaudhry, and Muddesar Iqbal. 2023. "A Novel 6G Conversational Orchestration Framework for Enhancing Performance and Resource Utilization in Autonomous Vehicle Networks" Sensors 23, no. 17: 7366. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23177366
APA StyleShahzadi, S., Chaudhry, N. R., & Iqbal, M. (2023). A Novel 6G Conversational Orchestration Framework for Enhancing Performance and Resource Utilization in Autonomous Vehicle Networks. Sensors, 23(17), 7366. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23177366