Paper 2025/508

Towards Building Scalable Constant-Round MPC from Minimal Assumptions via Round Collapsing

Vipul Goyal, NTT Research, Carnegie Mellon University
Junru Li, Tsinghua University
Rafail Ostrovsky, University of California, Los Angeles
Yifan Song, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute

In this work, we study the communication complexity of constant-round secure multiparty computation (MPC) against a fully malicious adversary and consider both the honest majority setting and the dishonest majority setting. In the (strong) honest majority setting (where $t=(1/2-\epsilon)n$ for a constant $\epsilon$), the best-known result without relying on FHE is given by Beck et al. (CCS 2023) based on the LPN assumption that achieves $O(|C|\kappa)$ communication, where $\kappa$ is the security parameter and the achieved communication complexity is independent of the number of participants. In the dishonest majority setting, the best-known result is achieved by Goyal et al. (ASIACRYPT 2024), which requires $O(|C|n\kappa)$ bits of communication and is based on the DDH and LPN assumptions. In this work, we achieve the following results: (1) For any constant $\epsilon<1$, we give the first constant-round MPC in the dishonest majority setting for corruption threshold $t<(1-\epsilon)n$ with $O(|C|\kappa+D (n+\kappa)^2\kappa)$ communication assuming random oracles and oblivious transfers, where $D$ is the circuit depth. (2) We give the first constant-round MPC in the standard honest majority setting (where $t=(n-1)/2$) with $O(|C|\kappa+D (n+\kappa)^2\kappa)$ communication only assuming random oracles. Unlike most of the previous constructions of constant-round MPCs that are based on multiparty garbling, we achieve our result by letting each party garble his local computation in a non-constant-round MPC that meets certain requirements. We first design a constant-round MPC that achieves $O(|C|\kappa + Dn^2\kappa)$ communication assuming random oracles in the strong honest majority setting of $t=n/4$. Then, we combine the party virtualization technique and the idea of MPC-in-the-head to boost the corruption threshold to $t<(1-\epsilon)n$ for any constant $\epsilon<1$ assuming oblivious transfers to achieve our first result. Finally, our second result is obtained by instantiating oblivious transfers using a general honest-majority MPC and the OT extension technique built on random oracles.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
secure multiparty computationcommunication complexityround complexity
Contact author(s)
vipul @ cmu edu
jr-li24 @ mails tsinghua edu cn
rafail @ cs ucla edu
yfsong @ mail tsinghua edu cn
2025-03-20: approved
2025-03-18: received
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Vipul Goyal and Junru Li and Rafail Ostrovsky and Yifan Song},
      title = {Towards Building Scalable Constant-Round {MPC} from Minimal Assumptions via Round Collapsing},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2025/508},
      year = {2025},
      url = {}
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