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2024/216 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-24
Rate-1 Fully Local Somewhere Extractable Hashing from DDH
Pedro Branco, Nico Döttling, Akshayaram Srinivasan, Riccardo Zanotto
Cryptographic protocols

Somewhere statistically binding (SSB) hashing allows us to sample a special hashing key such that the digest statistically binds the input at $m$ secret locations. This hash function is said to be somewhere extractable (SE) if there is an additional trapdoor that allows the extraction of the input bits at the $m$ locations from the digest. Devadas, Goyal, Kalai, and Vaikuntanathan (FOCS 2022) introduced a variant of somewhere extractable hashing called rate-1 fully local SE hash...

2022/1760 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-01
Fully Succinct Batch Arguments for NP from Indistinguishability Obfuscation
Rachit Garg, Kristin Sheridan, Brent Waters, David J. Wu
Cryptographic protocols

Non-interactive batch arguments for $\mathsf{NP}$ provide a way to amortize the cost of $\mathsf{NP}$ verification across multiple instances. In particular, they allow a prover to convince a verifier of multiple $\mathsf{NP}$ statements with communication that scales sublinearly in the number of instances. In this work, we study fully succinct batch arguments for $\mathsf{NP}$ in the common reference string (CRS) model where the length of the proof scales not only sublinearly in the...

2021/1560 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-11-29
SAND: an AND-RX Feistel lightweight block cipher supporting S-box-based security evaluations
Shiyao Chen, Yanhong Fan, Ling Sun, Yong Fu, Haibo Zhou, Yongqing Li, Meiqin Wang, Weijia Wang, Chun Guo
Secret-key cryptography

We revisit designing AND-RX block ciphers, that is, the designs assembled with the most fundamental binary operations---AND, Rotation and XOR operations and do not rely on existing units. Likely, the most popular representative is the NSA cipher \texttt{SIMON}, which remains one of the most efficient designs, but suffers from difficulty in security evaluation. As our main contribution, we propose \texttt{SAND}, a new family of lightweight AND-RX block ciphers. To overcome the difficulty...

2020/652 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-29
Somewhere Statistically Binding Commitment Schemes with Applications
Prastudy Fauzi, Helger Lipmaa, Zaira Pindado, Janno Siim
Public-key cryptography

We define a new primitive that we call a somewhere statistically binding (SSB) commitment scheme, which is a generalization of dual-mode commitments but has similarities with SSB hash functions (Hubacek and Wichs, ITCS 2015) without local opening. In (existing) SSB hash functions, one can compute a hash of a vector v that is statistically binding in one coordinate of v. Meanwhile, in SSB commitment schemes, a commitment of a vector v is statistically binding in some coordinates of v and is...

2017/491 (PDF) Last updated: 2017-07-13
Laconic Oblivious Transfer and its Applications
Chongwon Cho, Nico Döttling, Sanjam Garg, Divya Gupta, Peihan Miao, Antigoni Polychroniadou
Public-key cryptography

In this work, we introduce a novel technique for secure computation over large inputs. Specifically, we provide a new oblivious transfer (OT) protocol with a laconic receiver. Laconic OT allows a receiver to commit to a large input $D$ (of length $M$) via a short message. Subsequently, a single short message by a sender allows the receiver to learn $m_{D[L]}$, where the messages $m_0, m_1$ and the location $L \in [M]$ are dynamically chosen by the sender. All prior constructions of OT...

2016/1180 Last updated: 2019-04-16
How to Meet Big Data When Private Set Intersection Realizes Constatnt Communication Complexity
Sumit Kumar Debnath, Ratna Dutta
Cryptographic protocols

Electronic information is increasingly often shared among unreliable entities. In this context, one interesting problem involves two parties that secretly want to determine intersection of their respective private data sets while none of them wish to disclose the whole set to other. One can adopt Private Set Intersection (PSI) protocol to address this problem preserving the associated security and privacy issues. This paper presents the first PSI protocol that achieves constant ($p(\kappa)$)...

2015/869 (PDF) Last updated: 2015-09-08
New Realizations of Somewhere Statistically Binding Hashing and Positional Accumulators
Tatsuaki Okamoto, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Brent Waters, Daniel Wichs

A somewhere statistically binding (SSB) hash, introduced by Hubacek and Wichs (ITCS '15), can be used to hash a long string $x$ to a short digest $y = H_{\hk}(x)$ using a public hashing-key $\hk$. Furthermore, there is a way to set up the hash key $\hk$ to make it statistically binding on some arbitrary hidden position $i$, meaning that: (1) the digest $y$ completely determines the $i$'th bit (or symbol) of $x$ so that all pre-images of $y$ have the same value in the $i$'th position, (2) it...

2014/669 (PDF) Last updated: 2014-08-28
On the Communication Complexity of Secure Function Evaluation with Long Output
Pavel Hubacek, Daniel Wichs

We study the communication complexity of secure function evaluation (SFE). Consider a setting where Alice has a short input $x_A$, Bob has an input $x_B$ and we want Bob to learn some function $y = f(x_A, x_B)$ with large output size. For example, Alice has a small secret decryption key, Bob has a large encrypted database and we want Bob to learn the decrypted data without learning anything else about Alice's key. In a trivial insecure protocol, Alice can just send her short input $x_A$ to...

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