Dates are inconsistent

Dates are inconsistent

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2024/1073 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-01
Message Latency in Waku Relay with Rate Limiting Nullifiers
Alvaro Revuelta, Sergei Tikhomirov, Aaryamann Challani, Hanno Cornelius, Simon Pierre Vivier

Waku is a privacy-preserving, generalized, and decentralized messaging protocol suite. Waku uses GossipSub for message routing and Rate Limiting Nullifiers (RLN) for spam protection. GossipSub ensures fast and reliable peer-to-peer message delivery in a permissionless environment, while RLN enforces a common publishing rate limit using zero-knowledge proofs. This paper presents a practical evaluation of message propagation latency in Waku. First, we estimate latencies analytically,...

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