DIY stuff

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16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
He wanted to make his fire pit seating even better, so he began to assemble a back to the bench.
16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
Joshua originally planned on making a bench to encapsulate the entire fire pit with a split hexagonal shape. He quickly realized that a full 360 degree bench would look too big for the space, so he settled on a bench for one side.
16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
Flipping the bench over, Joshua applied the seat panels and screwed them into place.
16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
Wanting the bench to be perfect, Joshua was careful to make sure that everything was level before using his circular saw to cut the back panels to the right length.
16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
Joshua wrote, "The build took about two days, which included the trip to Home Depot for supplies, which came to about $125. I've seen similar benches in the $2K range, so it was a pretty good deal."
16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
He started with the frame pieces that would eventually form the framework of the bench seat.
16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
While screwing the legs on, Joshua needed to put extra pieces of wood underneath. Since he was working on grass, he needed something to make things a little more even.
16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
Man Lays A Wooden Frame In His Backyard, Then Flips It Over To Create A Stunning Fire Pit Bench
16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
He could have stopped there. The bench was all ready ready to sit on, but Joshua had other plans.
16 Next-Level French Manicures That Will Make You Rethink The Classic Style
Joshua admits he had to wing things somewhat: "The first thing I did was figure out what the heck I was doing." But his hard work paid off!