lisa deardorff

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Pink duck it is the rarest duck breed and its critically endangered they were on the extinct list but were taken off the list around 2008 there is said to be only about 100-1000 living today
Cayuga duck - Wikipedia
The Cayuga duck will more often sit on and hatch her eggs than other domestic breeds of duck. Incubation for the eggs is 28 days. When using an incubator the temperature should be 99.5 °F at 86% humidity for days 1-25, and 98.5 °F at 94% humidity for days 26-28.
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khaki campbell ducks are good foragers but also are great egg layers. The eggs are good and are amazing in baked goods.
Silver Appleyard Ducks resemble mallards and are another good dual-purpose breed.
Backyard Poultry
Cayuga ducks have an almost iridescent greenish hue in the feathers but this coloring fades with age to a nearly gray-white color. Photo courtesy of American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC).
saxony ducks
Two-year-old Saxony Ducks These elite exhibition females have the color and markings, confirmation and size (9 pounds each) desired in this beautiful and useful breed.
Aix galericulata, Mandarin Duck - White Mutation
There are various mutations of the Mandarin Duck found in captivity. The most common is the white Mandarin Duck. Although the origin of this mutation is unknown, it is presumed that the constant pairing of related birds and selective breeding led to recessive gene combinations leading to genetic conditions including albinism. (Wikipedia)
Prospect Park Cayuga Duck - a photo on Flickriver
This shows perfectly the iridescence of the cayuga breed...
Spectacled Eider
The Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri) is a large sea duck that breeds on the coasts of Alaska and northeastern Siberia.