My Best Colors (Cool/True Summer)

I have been self-diagnosed (with lots of help from online forums and family) as a True/Cool Summer with Soft Summer being my secondary season (I am cool, medium and soft). I have light ash brown hair (level 6/7 in hair dye), grey eyes and cool beige skin. Black overwhelms me, but isn't too bad if kept away from my face (e.g. as a skirt or trousers). Orange makes me look ill.
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Light blue denim shirt, grey tank top, white pants, white sandals, white oversized handbag with grey flowers and matching accessories
Designer Clothes, Shoes & Bags for Women | SSENSE
Untitled #694, created by sherri-leger on Polyvore
Luxury fashion & independent designers | SSENSE
"Cool Summer - contrast pale blue and navy" by adriana-cizikova on Polyvore
Luxury fashion & independent designers | SSENSE
Fearless and free, created by keri-cruz on Polyvore