On My Bookshelf

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the places and moments that take our breath away." ~ Unknown Author I adore tons of books, magazines, cookbooks, coffee table books, Bibles. My stacks piled and overflowing on my coffee tables, night stands, end tables, the floors are by no means not clutter! They are treasured and worn old friends that take me to fond memories, or a magazine article that inspires me to create something new, try a new recipe, dreams of places to visit, the possibilities are endless for future dreams for home, decorating, fashion - these things create the very essence of who I am, and who I want to become! I am always looking for the next new idea that creates that ahhh haaaa moment - that takes my breath away and gives me the feeling that I can do that! I hope that my collections will inspire you to try something new! A friend once told me to keep the "Peter Pan Syndrome" and that means to never grow up! I hope that I never out grow my thirst for knowledge in all areas of my life no matter what my age! “There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all.” Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
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About Me
Amen, in Jesus name I accept my blessings of desires in abundance of immeasurable proportion, I accept salvation by confessing with my mouth that you my Lord Jesus, King of kings are my Lord and Savior, my God, because of you father everything I speak comes to fruition commanded by the Holy Ghost, through the everlasting love of Jesus Christ, embraced in Gods mercy and grace. Amen... Lisa Christiansen, child of the one true king ΙΧΘΥΣ