
10 Pins
Space Ship Guru
Another awesome piece of artwork featuring Master chief and a Halo 3/Halo 2 anniversary Cortana
Video Game News, Reviews, and Walkthroughs - IGN
I hope to see this duo again someday. Either that, or I'm switching to destiny.
halo 5 spartan locke | Tumblr
halo 5 spartan locke | Tumblr
Halo 5, Master Chief... Verdict: I've already beaten the campaign, I have to say I thought it was amazing, the graphics and new additions were great. Buck, Nathan Fillian, aka Castle, was the best addition character wise. I thought more of the campaign should've been played through Master Chief though, that's the biggest let down. The ending surprised me, not what I wanted, but since it's a continuation to the next Halo I am curious where they take it... As for multiplayer, disappointing...