Ascii Art

ASCII art is a graphic design technique that uses computers for presentation and consists of pictures pieced together from the 95 printable (from a total of 128) characters defined by the ASCII Standard.The art works pubblished in this gallery are the outcome of a mix: the application of thi graphic design combined with common pictorial techniques: oil and acrylic.
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Cristian Cipriani Arte
“Peace” is an art work made in ASCII art technique with acrylic color on canvas. The subject depicted is the face of Buddha with a mandala and a mantra drawn in each eye. The mantra is a sacred utterance or numinous sound common in Veda culture. In this art work, the mantra is written using Siddhaṃ chars, and in the left eye is dedicated to Akṣobhya Buddha of the East, in the right eye it is dedicated to Amitābha Buddha of the West.
Geisha Painting by Cristian Cipriani | Saatchi Art
“Geisha” is an art work made using acrylic colours on canvas. The subject, depicted head on with ascii art technique, is a geisha of Kyoto, a traditional Japanese female entertainer who act as hostess and whose skills include performing various Japanese arts such as classical music, dance and games. On the background is drawn a Japanese texture called “scales of Dragon”, while the ideogram,s written on the left of the subject, are the transliteration in Japanese of the art work’s title
MJ Painting by Cristian Cipriani | Saatchi Art
“MJ” is an art work made with acrylic colours on canvas. The subject of this painting is Michael Jackson, depicted, with ascii art technique, in the classic iconographic pose which has always characterized his career: inclined hat to cover his eyes, prominent jaw
Cristian Cipriani Arte
"Forever" is an art work made with acrylic colours on canvas. The subject of this painting is Freddie Mercury, depicted, with ascii art technique, in the classic iconographic pose which has always characterized his career. The background, indeed, is made in black without the use of paint brushes. The title of this painting recalls the famous song "Who wants to live forever?" by the English rock band Queen of which Freddie Mercury was the singer and the leader.
Pop Kiss Painting by Cristian Cipriani | Saatchi Art
Saatchi Art Artist Cristian Cipriani; Painting, "Pop Kiss" #art
WWROOMM!! Painting by Cristian Cipriani | Saatchi Art
WWROOMM!! is an art work made in acrylic color on canvas. The subject is an old style mini, here elected as a status symbol.
Cristian Cipriani Arte
“Omaggio a Torino” is an art work that I made in acrylic color on canvas using ascii art technique. The painting, the first of mine in which the subject is a monument, was born during a stay in Turin. It was a good night, the sky was starry and the moon, full, lighted up the city buildings with the characteristic amber color.
Cristian Cipriani Arte
The art work "Abisso dell'Anima" is a methaphorical representation of the inner self. The deep sea diver, made using oil and acrylic colour for the background and using ASCII Art technique for the drawing, is, here, in the role of abyss' explorer. For abyss, it is not intended the depths of the sea, but "the depths of conscience".
Pop Thai Painting by Cristian Cipriani | Saatchi Art
Pop Thai - Cristian Cipriani Art. The art work POP Thai is inspired by one of the sculpture placed ahead of buildings and temples situated in the complex of Grand Palace in Bangkok. It represents a mythological monster, probably the face of a dog which has the eyes outside of the orbits and a mouth open in a wild smile.
Cristian Cipriani Arte
For the next exercise, look outside the window and locate an urban corner that you like to draw. Choose two complementary colours that you want to use. Don’t wonder if the selected subject could be or not be interesting, you will see that the result will be amazing in any case… The idea for this new art work, was born during a simple exercise: discovering, if a perspective of a suburb could be interesting.
GIROMONDO Painting by Cristian Cipriani | Saatchi Art
Amore Materno Painting by Cristian Cipriani | Saatchi Art
Saatchi Art Artist Cristian Cipriani; Painting, "Amore Materno" #art
Aigor Painting by Cristian Cipriani | Saatchi Art
AIGOR: is an art work made using acrylic color on canvas.Igor is a fictional character in the 1974 film Young Frankenstein and its 2007 musical adaptation.
Cristian Cipriani Arte
“all that glitters is not gold” is an abstract art work made in Ascii Art technique. The wavy background in silver color, and the three gold chains vertically placed, want to recall to the visitator the idea of prosperity and glamour. It is a picture out of the time, where the composition find a perfect balance between the vertically arrangement of the three chains and the horizzontal arrangement of the wavy texture.
Cristian Cipriani Arte
“Pensieri interconnessi” is an art work that has, as theme, the impact of Social Network on the act of sharing our emotions. On the canvas, sized 100×100 cm, using Ascii Art technique, it is reproduced a complex of buildings, a block of flats. On each flat are distributed colored balloons, red or blue, with some thoughts written on.