
531 Pins
sevgi on Instagram: "Çok sevilen bir ayna modeli olan Boncuklu ayna sizlerle. Tasarim sahibi @flavie_peartree 🍁 #ayna #miror #diy #decoration"
Jaruška / DIY & INTERIOR on Instagram: "Jednoduchá DIY dekorace - vajíčka z ubrousků nebo toaletního papíru. Jednotlivé kousky papíru se pouze za pomoci vody postupně nalepí na nafouknutý balónek, poté stačí vydržet asi tak 24 hodin, až papír uschne, klidně dejte na topení a po zaschnutí papíru ostříháme dle fantazie lem výsledného vajíčka. Je to jednoduché, zvládnou to i děti🤍 . . . . . . . . . . . . . #diyhomedecor #blumendeko #dekorace #jarnidekorace #dekoraceprovasdomov #dekoracedobytu #kreativität #dekoracedodomu #flowerdiy #dekoinspiration #dekoideen #easterdecor #easteregg #easterdecoration #eastercrafts #springdecorideas #springdecor #springdiy #easterdiy #papercreations #bastelideen #bastelnmitkindern #bastelnmitpapier #tvorenisdetmi #tvorenizpapiru #tvoristaksepochlub #jarnidek
Giustina | DIYs • Recipes • Home Inspiration on Instagram: "Like + Comment “Link” to instantly get the links, tutorial, & details in your DM. Valentine’s Day is almost here and I always have so much fun finding easy and inexpensive ways to add pink decor to our home. And these DIY Painted Pink and Sparkling Gold Books are such a fun addition to your Valentine’s Day decor. You could even add these to your list of DIY’s to create for a Galentine’s party. Do you like to use books as decor in your home? Ps. These are books that I found in a free bin outside a used bookstore. Inspo: @jamie.lundstrom"
Giustina | DIYs • Recipes • Home Inspiration on Instagram: "Like + Comment “Link” to instantly get the links, tutorial, & details in your DM. I can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years since I first shared this DIY Stick Heart Decor! My original post was for a Winter Stick Heart that I painted a faint shade of white and sprayed with glitter, but this time I decided to spray paint it bright red! And to be honest, I can’t decide which I like better. Roger likes the red, my mom likes the natural, and I kind of wish I had made it pink with glitter. Which color is your favorite, red or natural?"
Patricia Haubert on Instagram: "Inspirado por @ideasunipox que criou essa ideia incrível! Não poderia deixar de compartilhar com vocês. Me segue 👉🏻@versatilbrasil_ Dê um toque único à sua decoração com este vaso decorativo incrível! 🌿✨ Transforme uma lata de leite vazia em um lindo vaso cheio de personalidade. Comece pintando a lata com tinta acrílica na cor de sua preferência. Em seguida, crie um colar decorativo usando cordão e contas de madeira — para facilitar, passe fita na ponta do cordão e vá adicionando as contas (foram usadas 140 contas de 13 mm para este projeto). Meça a circunferência da lata e use cola universal para fixar cada colar ao redor, preenchendo até a borda. Para dar um charme extra, use rolhas de vinho como pés, colando-as na base da lata. O resultado é um va
La Ferme d’Hercule on Instagram: "Une idée déco à pas cher pour avoir un succès fou le jour du mariage … Les lampions , c’est bien mais on en a fait le tour … en le pimpant avec des petites papiers à cupcake- bricolage trop facile- on revisite avec bonheur… et les petits papiers existant en une multitude de design comme les rares ou les à pois qu’on adore … On essaie ? #decorationmariage #weddingdecor#weddingdecoration #salledemariage #décorationintérieure #ideedeco#lampion #lafermedhercule #mariagechic"
Thabita Lança Arquiteta on Instagram: "Me sigam pra mais dicas....🧡🏠🌿 O link está nos destaques dos stories... 😍🔥 . . . . . #quadroviral #viral #diy #fitaadesiva #quadrodecorativo #decoracaobarata"
Dodie Vanhooser on Instagram: "Easy Christmas Centerpiece! 🎄✨ Okay friends, I know it feels early, and it probably is a little…lol. But Christmas is my favorite time of the year, and I’ve already started planning. Last year these Pine stems and lighted twigs flew off the shelves, so I wanted to share this simple centerpiece idea now to help you get ahead! 🎄click the link in my bio to find the links to everything I used. Let’s get a jump on the holidays together! ❄️✨ #ChristmasReady #HolidayPrep #CenterpieceGoals Live Beautifully✨Love Deeply✨Be Grateful #HolidayDecor #ChristmasInspo #ChristmasCountdown #FestiveVibes #HomeForTheHolidays #ChristmasDecorIdeas #HolidayCenterpiece #DecoratingForChristmas #ChristmasAtHome #SeasonOfJoy"
Artists Universum 🖌️ on Instagram: "Meet an innovative artist who transforms everyday materials into mesmerizing DIY dim lights. Her creative process involves turning simple items like tissues and balloons into stunning light fixtures that add a touch of magic to any room. In her first creation, she constructs a light box by using tissues to form the walls. The delicate tissue paper creates a soft, ambient glow when the light is placed inside, casting a cozy and inviting atmosphere. For her second project, she employs a balloon and peanut shells. She starts by inflating the balloon and meticulously gluing peanut shells all around it. Once the glue dries, she pops the balloon, leaving behind a unique, shell-covered light globe. When lit, this piece exudes a rustic charm, perfect for addi
SANDRA 🤎CHALET8 on Instagram: "Heide Bäumchen 🌳. Eigentlich wollte ich zuerst Heide Pilze machen, aber nachdem ich den Wurzelballen abgetrennt hatte, fand ich die herabhängenden Zottel der „Raster Girl Heide“ zu schön, um sie mit Draht festzuzurren. Also gibt‘s jetzt kleine Bäumchen, die mit dem schwarzen Kies sogar ein bisschen an Palmen am Lavastrand erinnern. Aloha Herbst 🍂. #herbstdeko #heide #herbstblumen #autumnflowers #naturaldecor #herbstzeit #herbstdekoration #autumnaesthetic #autumndecorations #cozyautumn #herbstliebe #herbstzauber #herbstgeflüster #herbststimmung Titel: Infinity (Instrumental) Künstler: Jennah Bell Link:"
Patricia Haubert on Instagram: "Inspirado por @1homestorys que criou essa ideia incrível! Não poderia deixar de compartilhar com vocês. Me segue 👉🏻@browsebazaar_ Decoração boho é sinônimo de liberdade e criatividade! Vem aprender a fazer peças únicas que vão deixar sua casa cheia de charme. Usando uma embalagem vazia de produto de limpeza e uma meia, você cria a base perfeita para um vaso estiloso. Envolva com corda de sisal para dar aquele toque rústico e finalize com flores secas para compor um arranjo lindo e natural. Com essa ideia, você reaproveita materiais e cria um item decorativo super boho e sustentável. decoração boho criatividade reaproveitamento flores secas sustentabilidade vasos decorativos estilo rústico corda de sisal decoração com charme peças únicas #diy #decoraçã
Jeanna Crawford on Instagram: "I need your help 🫶🏻 But first: Fall (pool) noodles FTW If you’ve ever wondered if you could use a pool noodle to secure floral picks, let this be your reminder to stock up every summer - because they work brilliantly for lighter weight projects 👏🏻 And today, I’d love a pro tip from YOU, Instagram user ♥️! What kind of content has you flying to hit the SHARE button in an instant? Because I’ll be transparent - these new alg0 rules about what gets seen and what does not has made me reevaluate how I create... and I don’t think it’s always for the best. So... what gets you sharing? Can you tell me which of these would be most valuable to you and the people you share with? ✨Higher end holiday decor that’s WOW and may inspire you ✨More practical tips on
SANDRA 🤎CHALET8 on Instagram: "Das Runde muss aufs Eckige. Material: -Pappmaché -dickes Garn -Holzstäbchen und Klotz aus Klötzchen Pappmaché Rezept: Highlight „Pappmache“. Die Frisbee ist wirklich ein tolles Hilfsmittel als Formgeber. Das DIY mit Loch im Hintergrund habe ich auch mit Hilfe der Frisbee aus Pappmaché gemacht. #ethnostyle #scandiboho #japandiinterior #japandi #pappmaché #papiermache #papelmache #papiermâché #ideedecoration #creativeliving #apartmentdecor #einrichtungsideen #ideasforhome #whiteandwood #detailverliebt #diydeko #diyartwork #mitliebezumdetail #wohnenunddekorieren #wohnzimmerdeko #easyart Titel: Tiger Künstler: Trout Recording Link:
DIY_Ideas_22 on Instagram: "Turn any space into a magical oasis with these easy-to-make floating candles! Perfect for cozy nights, romantic dinners, or simply adding that extra sparkle to your home. 🌟💫 Watch the full tutorial and create your own ✨🌊 #DIYFloatingCandles at home! 🌿 Materials: Candle wax Wicks Small jars Water & decorative elements (flowers, herbs, etc.) Tag me in your creations! 🔥💧 #DIYMagic #FloatingCandles #DIYProjects #CraftingCommunity #DIYHomeDecor #DIYDecor"
Michaela Waldl on Instagram: "DIY Herbstglas/ Autumndecor 🌾🌾🌾 Hallo liebe Dekoelfen 🥰 Momentan bin ich viel im Garten….der Herbst ist nicht mehr weit, spürt ihr es auch? Dieses kleine Windlicht ist so einfach gemacht, ganz natürlich trocknet es wunderbar ein und ihr habt lange eine Freude damit 🍂🌾🍂 Ich hoffe euch gefällts? Ich bin dann noch im Garten Eure Michaela 🫶🏻 . . . . #herbstdeko #Autumndecor #autumnvibes #herbstzauber #natürlichdekorieren #floraldesign #dekoliebe #dekorationsideen #upcyclingdecor #diydecoration #diyblogger_at #diycrafts #diy_and_crafty #windlicht #dekozauber#rusticdecor #rustikaldeko #decoração #decorinspiration #kreativseinmachtglücklich #dekoselbstgemacht #landhausdeko #farmhousedecor #naturalgarden #gartenideen #zeigwasduliebst #upcycling #ausaltmachn