Dark: Haunted...

The horrifying beauty of abandoned and/or haunted places, graveyards. hospitals, churches and mansions is morbidly attractive to some people. I am one of them.
477 Pins
They make me think about that fairy tale, the one with the two sisters, one who liked white roses and one who liked red roses... Their names were Blanche and Rose I believe...
Lost | Forgotten | Abandoned | Displaced | Decayed | Neglected | Discarded…
My #ebooks are perfect #Halloween #reads www.amazon.com/Laura-Ellison/e/B0091K33H2 #Kindle #paranormal #supernatural #IARTG #ASMSG
black moons in those eyes of hers
"Lacertine Forest" by mofotographer || source: http://ladytwiglet.deviantart.com/art/Lacertine-Forest-151635489
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This figure in the distance could be another element of an outdoor space that we create. The light source with the figure in the distance adds an element of intrigue and horror to the room.
Glimpse Into Utterdark by M0AI on DeviantArt
They passed row upon row of caskets, their smudged name plaques glinting in Lita's candlelight. "Wait!" [Lita cried] Mally turned to her and watched as she lit a tall candelabra. Mally was amazing Lita had even noticed it. Its silver was so tarnished it was the exact same color as the wall. "So we can find our way back," Lita explained. #booklines #TheTaleOfMallyBiddle // Glimpse Into Utterdark by ~M0AI on deviantART