Smartphone Photo App Guide

Visual examples that accompany the guide. Grab it at
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Big Lens app - Vivid filter with center tilt-shift
Big Lens app - Lomo4 filter with center circle tilt-shift.
iPhone Camera app example 3 - Noir filter
iPhone Camera app example 1 - Original
Slow Shutter example Motion Blur - this give a cool bokeh effect on the lights.
Slow Shutter example 5 Light Trail - this has been one of my most popular Instagram posts. I was standing in the Dean & DeLuca on Broadway and Prince and took a few shots out the window. Shutter speed 2 seconds.
Slow Shutter Selfie - I turned the camera on myself while riding the subway to work one morning. Shutter set at 2 seconds and final enhanced with another app - maybe Tadaa.
Slow Shutter example 4B - the photo cropped and enhanced in Instagram.
Slow Shutter example 4A Light Trail - the original I took in the subway at Chambers St. Hand held on 2 seconds.
Slow Shutter example 3 Light Trail - shutter at 2 seconds, camera on a tripod sitting on a mailbox. Lafayette at Houston, SoHo NYC.
Slow Shutter example 2 Light Trail - with shutter speed at 2 seconds, I took this while walking and letting the camera be jittery.
Slow Shutter example1 Light Trail - I used a small Joby tripod on the iPhone and wrapped it around a tree limb. Shutter speed was probably 8 seconds.