
40 Pins
Wire hoop, wreath, Blackberries, ivy, vines, berries, gift, wild flowers, wire flowers, blackberry, winter decoration, festive, Christmas
This wire hoop is decorated with flowers and leaves, including blackberries erries, ivy, vines and more. The blackberries are made from air drying clay, ivy from polymer clay, red berries are beads and the rest are made from wire. It has a length of velvet ribbon or could be hung without. The hoop measures 22 x 21.5 cm (8.5/8 x 8.4/8 inches), including leaves etc. It is not designed for outdoor use. * I combine shipping wherever possible and refund any unused postage. Please feel free to conta
moll.wirecraft | 🐌 で〜んで〜ん む〜し蒸〜し カ〜タツ〜ムリ〜🐌 あぢぃ~(暑い〜💦) #ワイヤークラフト#ワイヤーアート#ワイヤー雑貨#ワイヤーオブジェ#かたつむり #でんでんむし#カタツムリ#針金アート#針金細工#ハンドメイド雑貨#インテリア雑貨#ナチュラル雑貨#北欧#北欧雑貨… | Instagram