DIY Halloween Costume Ideas

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DIY Dorothy Halloween Costume
There’s no place like home for finding a quick Halloween costume that becomes a conversation piece. Surfer and dog mom Maria Paula Rodriguez explains the merits of an imperfect costume.
DIY Rodeo Clown Halloween Costumes
This ain’t their first rodeo. With Halloween around the corner, vintage shop owners Jordan Rebello and John Thomson of Poppies Ventura share how their family is quickly assembling costumes that stay on theme *and* do more with clothes they already have.
DIY Robot Halloween Costume
Forget “do the robot.” This Halloween, you can *make* the robot. All you need is cardboard, foil, scissors and creative kiddos 🤖
DIY Kids Halloween Costumes
The candy haul might be the best part about Halloween. But brainstorming a rad costume is a close second. Look around your house and yard and see what you can create for free. For Courtney Guerra and her family, that’s a spooky skeleton, skater, avocado tree and “dude in a box.”