
10 Pins
Как нарисовать дерево акварелью: Мастер-Классы в журнале Ярмарки Мастеров
Как нарисовать дерево акварелью - Ярмарка Мастеров - ручная работа, handmade #InterestingThings
Rainbow watercolor painting 😍
I love using the wet-on-wet technique to create mesmerizing blends and bleeds ❤️ Washi tape is handy when painting mosaics like this one!
93 отметок «Нравится», 1 комментариев — КУРСЫ. СТУДИЯ РИСОВАНИЯ В СПБ (@cleverstudia) в Instagram: «Зелёная зелень зеленит Мы нашли для вас восхитительную шпаргалку по смешению цветов для получения…»
So beautiful❤️ By @art.shink 💫 Release your creativity with a BONUS eBook Library by buying NIL Tech Pencil Set, just click ➡️THE LINK Incredible! Tag a friend that would like this piece😉 Follow us on: 👉FB /NiLTechClub🎨 👉IG @love_to_draw_nil 🎨 👉Twitter @LoveToDrawNIL 👉Pinterest @NiLTechArt ✔️For More Great works ✔️Chance to get featured #art #love #drawing #draw #picture #artist #pen #pencil #beautiful #graphic #graphics #color #niltech #watercolor
"Watercolor, with all its subtle color and value gradations and its many welcome surprises, is the perfect medium for capturing the mood." - Ray Hendershot By @mylenemolo 💫 Release your creativity with a BONUS eBook Library by buying NIL Tech Pencil Set, just click ➡️THE WEBSITE LINK Follow us on: 👉FB /NiLTechClub🎨 👉IG @love_to_draw_nil 🎨 ✔️For More Great works ✔️Chance to get featured #art #drawing #pencil #beautiful #graphic #graphics #niltech #watercolor #watercolour #flower