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Justin Lienhard on Instagram: "The last 18 hours I’ve posted 63 leg exercises you can do with a bad back that will result in serious leg development. The weekend of no fucking excuses continues. #legday #workoutideas #quads #legworkout"
This may contain: a woman doing squats with a barbell
6 plate exercices to sculpt your full body . Credits:@kzfetters
#fitness #bodybuilding #academia #musculation #exercise
Folksfit on Instagram: "Legsssss 🤘 Grab a set of dumbbells and try out this KILLER lift with just 5 exercises. I’m holding a set of 20lb dumbbells but use a weight that challenges you. Cc @built.by.becky Complete 3-4 sets and 10-16 reps for each. 1. RDL into front squat 2. B stance RDL (your workout leg is the flat foot. Other leg is just for support) 3. Sumo squat with pulse 4. Duck walks 5. B stance squats (your working leg is the flat foot.)"
Stephanie Warwick on Instagram: "LOWER BODY🔥 TRX LUNGE VARIATIONS TRY these lunge sequences to test your mobility and stability💪🏻 LUNGE PULSE TO CALF RAISE EXTENDED LUNGE LATERAL SQUAT TO LEG SWEEP I love creating variations that take inspiration from my pilates/dance background. Doing a little dance to distract myself from the 🔥😂 💛 SAVE IT 💪🏻 TRY IT 🥰 TAG ME #trx #trxtraining #trxworkout #trxexercises #squats #glutes #trxlegs #legworkout #quads #core #lunge #trxlunge #homeworkout #trxlive #lunges #legworkout #runningtips #mobility #balance #coreworkout #strength #control #🍑"
Harbor FIT on Instagram: "This is one of my favorite FULL body workouts when I’m short on time. This exercise works the legs glutes core AND shoulders in ONE movement. Do 4 sets of 10 EACH leg and you will get a good workout in! #fullbody #fullbodyworkout #fitnessmotivation #gymtips #gymmotivation #totalbodyworkout #totalbody #legday #legdayworkout #glutes #gluteworkout #dumbbellworkout #dumbbells"
K I M F R E N C H 🇬🇧 NASM CPT on Instagram: "I know a lot of you will be like me and just CANNOT do Pistol Squats so this first exercise is a variation that will help assist you AND ITS A QUAD KILLA 🔥 I also used a plate for heel elevation which you’ll find helpful if you have limited ankle mobility (like me) to increase your depth. Definitely give it a try 🤌🏻 Side note… there’s aaaaaalllllways going to be things we are good at and some not so much. Instead of giving up on the things we can’t do, WE ADAPT, WE PRACTICE and WE GET BETTER! Now stop thinking you’re incapable and start BELIEVING in yourself! *i’m expecting you all to be saving this workout right now or going to the App Store to download my app BELIEVE for a customised plan & REAL results* 😜 Lets have the BEST week
Luka Hocevar - Coach on Instagram: "Anterior Lunge To Forward Lunge Combo There’s only so many movement patterns but there’s almost infinite ways to make changes, adapt exercises to the goals of the client, and then progress them in ways to get the adaptations you want. I love the step-over lunge and this is a bit of a different variation that’s starts as an anterior lunge that goes into a forward lunge. Spicy combo! Test it out. #vigorground #legworkout #lunges #womenwholift #strongwomen #p