Wooden Camera

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Make your own camera
How to make your own camera for tintype, ambrotype, wet plate photography, daguerreotype photography. For the historical photography and alternative photography people. Collodion photography and civil war box camera.
Oldest And Most Expensive Camera In The World Up For Auction
One of the first predecessors to modern cameras was invented in the 1800's and were known as Daguerreotype's, named after the inventor Jacques Mande Daguerre . One of first and most pristine examples of a Daguerreotype has surfaced in a private collection that was previously not known to exist. The camera is called the world's oldest and most expensive.
Eclipse Cameras
Antique Camera: Horsman Eclipse Cameras: No.2, No.3, No.33. These cameras were also listed in the 1897 Sears, Roebuck and Company catalogue.
Legotron Mark I by Cary Norton
Cary Norton made a real, working camera out of LEGOs!
Camera & Photography Information Resource
1834! The mouse trap made by William Henry Fox Talbot is arguably the most important camera in history. It was used to create the first 'Photogenic drawings' on paper sensitized with silver chloride. They are simple wood box cameras with a brass barrel single lens and a sliding wood plate to hold the sensitized paper.
Antique and Classic Cameras
Presentació del projecte de restauració de la càmera Daguerre-Giroux - Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona
History of Cameras: Illustrated Timeline
History of Cameras: Illustrated Timeline [Updated in 2015]
Restaurada la cámara original que realizó la primera fotografía en España
Cámara Daguerre-Giroux restaurada por la Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona (RACAB)
Case study: The Daguerre-Giroux camera restored by Wetplatewagon
Case study: The Daguerre-Giroux camera
Case study: The Daguerre-Giroux camera restored by Wetplatewagon
Case study: The Daguerre-Giroux camera
Case study: The Daguerre-Giroux camera restored by Wetplatewagon
Case study: The Daguerre-Giroux camera