All about ISLAM

Say to them: 'He is Merciful, and it is in Him that we believe, and it is in Him that we put all our trust. Soon will you know who is in manifest error.' Quran(67,29)
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Who is the Prophet Muhammad "peace be upon him" ? - Spirit Journey
Who is the Prophet Muhammad "peace be upon him" ? #Allah #fact #Faith #humans #islam #love #mercy #muslims #Non_Muslims #one_God #peace #prophet_Muhammad #religion #truth #world
..Beauuutiful picture.. "A quarter of a million Palestinians prayed Friday prayers last Ramadan"
مثقف روسي من التتار يدافع عن المسلمين ويبهر جميع الحاضرين- An European intellectual defends Muslims
A Russian intellectual defends muslims #islam #peace #love #religion #fact #mercy #allah #quran #prophet_Mohammad
مشهد عظيم لصلاة العيد بروسيا Muslims in Moscow Join Eid Al-Fitr Prayer‬
Muslims in Moscow Join Eid Al-Fitr Prayer #islam #muslims #Moscow #world #peace #love #prayer #one_god #one_love #allah #truth #evidence #fact #faith #quran