Opel Corsa OPC Nurburgring Edition vs Subaru Impreza WRX STI
Category | Corsa OPC | Impreza WRX STI |
Max power (ps / bhp) | 210 / 207 | 250 / 247 |
Max torque (Nm / lb-ft) | 280 / 207 | 309 / 228 |
Curb weight (kg / lb) | 1260 / 2778 | |
Power / tonne (ps / bhp) | 167 / 164 |
Category | Corsa OPC | Impreza WRX STI |
Track Performance | 0 | 0 |
Straight line speed | 0 | 0 |
Overall | 0 | 0 |
There is no clear winner in this comparison.
However, FastestLaps.com does not have enough lap times and performance data to make this comparison conclusive.
This comparison has been viewed 1 time.