Opel Corsa OPC Nurburgring Edition vs Subaru Impreza WRX STI

Picture of Opel Corsa OPC Nurburgring Edition
Picture of Subaru Impreza WRX STI (GC8 250 PS)
Category Corsa OPCImpreza WRX STI
Max power (ps / bhp) 210 / 207250 / 247
Max torque (Nm / lb-ft) 280 / 207309 / 228
Curb weight (kg / lb) 1260 / 2778
Power / tonne (ps / bhp) 167 / 164


Category Corsa OPCImpreza WRX STI
Track Performance 00
Straight line speed 00
Overall 00


There is no clear winner in this comparison.

However, FastestLaps.com does not have enough lap times and performance data to make this comparison conclusive.

This comparison has been viewed 1 time.

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