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feel your feelings
It’s like cleaning your inbox but for the mind. Helps you see more clearly, less overwhelmed and manage anxiety.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Identify Your Values
It's difficult to act in alignment with your values if you don't know what they are. These five questions can help you identify what matters to you most. Take this exercise seriously. Maybe even write your answers down. We often think we know our values, rattling off easy responses like "my kids," and "my career" when asked the question. Dig a little deeper. When you know who you are and what you stand for, you come to life’s choices with the most powerful tool of all: your full self.
Mr Imposter Syndrome and Mrs Self Doubt — LizJOwen - Graphic Design & Illustration
I’ve had imposter syndrome for as long as I can remember. Every time I made an achievement I felt as it was because I got lucky, instead of the fact that I just worked very hard to get where I’m at. Some days I have these voices in my head that I’m an imposter, and they go hand-in-hand with Mrs. Self-Doubt who joins in by saying that I’m not good enough. Mr Imposter Syndrome and Mrs Self-Doubt can sometimes overpower me and drain all of my creative energy.
Read This If You’re Feeling Pressure to Lose the ‘Quarantine 15’
Read This If You’re Feeling Pressure to Lose the ‘Quarantine 15’ | SELF