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Low Sodium (Hyponatremia): Dangers, Symptoms, and Causes Explained By Dr.Berg
DON'T DO THIS IF YOU'RE OVER 50!!! - Dr. Eric Berg DC | DON'T DO THIS IF YOU'RE OVER 50!!! - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your Doctor | Today I'm going to talk about what nutrients you should be careful of taking as you age especially over the age of fifty. Then I'm going to talk about what nutrients you should probably take more of as you age. So let's first start with what to not take. First one on the list is iron. Our bodies do not have a good way of getting rid of excess iron. And too much iron in the body creates damage in the liver. If you were to take iron on a regular basis, that could even increase your risk of getting an infection if your immune system is low because you're giving the pathogens plenty of food. Also, when you take more iron, it depletes zinc. Really, one of the only remedies is just to donate blood to get rid of some of this iron. Now, if someone's female and they're menstruating, they're constantly getting rid of blood every month but in any situation that someone's anemic, I would recommend to get your iron from like red meat, liver, grass-fed liver pills or spleen extract. The next minute we're going to talk about is calcium. Far too many people are taking too much calcium. We develop a lot of extra calcium that builds up in the arteries and the calcium could also build up in the kidneys as well. Just think about like people that have high blood pressure, what do they take? They take a calcium channel blocker. Now, the other point about calcium is that I do Recommend a lot of vitamin D because it's very very important but one of the side effects of vitamin D in higher amounts is hypercalcimia. What is that? That's too much calcium in the blood. Now, I recommend taking high doses of vitamin D3 if you have autoimmune problems or you have a lot of inflammation because we're trying to prevent too much calcium in the blood. Next vitamin list, vitamin A but I'm not talking about the natural vitamin A. I'm talking about the synthetic version of vitamin A because they can become a problem especially if you're taking them on a regular basis with the liver as in liver damage osteoporosis and increase intercranial pressure so that's like headaches the natural version of vitamin A is totally fine you can get that from colive oil you can get it from egg yolks get it from butter but I would avoid taking any synthetic vitamin A you would think sodium would be on this list but sodium is very necessary for you to take especially as you age. So, sodium is necessary to give you energy. Following up with that, let's talk about the vitamins that you need more of as you age. There's the synthetic version of vitamin C and then there's a natural version. In the past, I've been very much against synthetic vitamin C but since then, I found there's definitely a time and a place for taking large amounts of vitamin C for various things. One is just to lower your histamine. So, if you have this allergy attack, it seems to do wonders for that and even one being to help with cancer. But on the flip side, I also recommend taking the vitamin C from sauerkraut would also be a good idea. Alright, next vitamin on this. This one's very very important. This is vitamin B3 in the form of niacin. The problem with niacin, it gives you this flush. If you start off with very small amounts like you start with 50 milligrams and slowly go to 100 milligrams but I personally take about 500 to 1, 000 milligrams of niacin every single day. Anyone over the age of 50 should do that. It's one of the only things that can increase good cholesterol. It helps to repair DNA. It helps with giving you energy. Then we get to the mineral called magnesium. Magnesium is the thing that counters this calcification problem. It keeps the calcium from building up inside the cells. Great for blood pressure, great for muscle cramps, great for energy, great for sleeping, and great for lowering your cortisol. Okay, let's move on to the next one. Vitamin D, I think most people need a lot more than they're getting. You need 10000 IUs. I'm not going to get into the million reasons why but if you have any thought that that's a toxic amount, just think about this. If you're going to be out in the sun for about 40 minutes, okay? You're going to get 20 thousand IUs of vitamin D three. So, why in the heck would 10000 I use be a toxic amount, the next vitamin I'm going to talk about you needing is vitamin K one. Now, vitamin K one has the function of clotting the body. There's this false idea that people have that if I take too much K one I'm going to get more clotting. That is false information. When you take even high doses of vitamin K one the blood will only clot to the normal amount. It won't give you extra clotting. It's not going to create a clot or a clogged artery. They should be consuming foods that are high in vitamin K one, dark leafy greens are loaded with vitamin K one. The last vitamin that I'm going to recommend taking is vitamin K two. It not only helps you mobilize calcium and keep calcium in the bone where it should be but it also has other benefits too for energy to support the mitochondria.
How to Tighten and Flatten Stomach with Just ONE EXERCISE
Stomach Growling is a Symptom of - Dr. Eric Berg DC | Stomach Growling is a Symptom of - Dr. Eric Berg DC | By Dr. Eric Berg DC | So, someone had a question about, what is that growling sound in my stomach? Is that just hunger pains? What actually is it? You may have these sounds when you're hungry but the hunger is not the thing that's causing it. Okay, the thing that's causing it is something called migrating motor complex. Now, what the heck is that? That is a certain housekeeping condition in your body where it's cleaning out the debris, the extra food particles, and there's certain waves of peristalsis or pumping action of debris going through the small intestine and into the large colon. Why is that so important? Because one really important function of this is to prevent Sibo. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. A lot of people by the way have this condition. They don't even know it. And that condition is when you have too much bacteria in your small intestine. The majority should be in the large intestine. When the bacteria gets into the small intestine, it starts robbing you of nutrients, fat soluble vitamins but like vitamin A, vitamin D, potassium, vitamin C, zinc, and it leaves you deficient. Not only that, you start getting fermenting of vegetables and other fibers that get in here and you start experiencing a lot of bloating. So, if you consume like or fiber or even probiotics and you feel worse, you could have Sibo going on right here because this mechanism is not working. It's not pushing things through and when you have Sibo, you have a lot of growling going on, a lot of sounds going on there because your body is trying to clean it out but it can't, okay? So, let's talk about what would you do to stop the growling. Well, it'll stop by eating but of course, if you have Sibo, you know, if you eat, it's going to you might even feel more bloating. Bile salts are antibacterial. They kill bacteria and usually people that have Sibo are very deficient in bile. I mean, think about it, right? The gallbladder is releasing bile into the small intestine and the bile goes to the small intestine and very little of it ends up in the large intestine. Most of it gets absorbed in the small intestine and gets recycled and if you have Sibo, you're going to produce less bile to then kill off the microbes. By taking purified bio salts, it'll greatly help get rid of Sibo. Also, it'll help stop the growling sounds and by getting rid of Sibo, your body will make more bile. Lowering stress will help diminish the growling sounds, fixing the Sibo by taking bile as well as potain hydrochloride, fixing the stomach acid as well. That'll help both of those. Last thing and this is very important is to start doing intermittent fasting and give it some time to work because this mechanism right here kicks in between 90 minutes and 3 hours. So, if you're eating too frequently, you'll never give this system a chance to kick in and do its work. So, the more you do intermittent fasting, the more you'll be able to clean this out and the less growling you're going to have because you're going to start to have more bile to actually make sure that this bacteria doesn't stay in there and the fact that eating stops this process. So, You want to go for a good amount of time without eating to allow your body to clean out the debris by going sixteen, 17, 18 hours of fasting so it can do its house cleaning. If you want some more information about BioSalts, I put a video right here. Check it out.
102K views · 4K reactions | When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamin D - Dr. Eric Berg DC | When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamin D - Dr. Eric Berg DC Best-selling author and advocate of keto and intermittent fasting. Join group:👇👇👇... | By Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctor | Facebook
Dr. Eric Berg DC - Your doctor