We'll see if I still have it by then.
Here's a pic of it up and running.
My eyes now have a migraine. Did you build that yourself?
Yeap. I gotta make it look nice, while performing well enough. It just looks like crap because of the red 390x.
Here's with the 970.
What are you doing that the 2500k isn't really able to keep up with? I know that it would be nice for everythign to be faster, but stuff like rendering, it seems like it would be a few seconds faster and is it worth spending the money? It is up to you, but I would try to hold off if I were you. I expect next year to be a big jump in gpu and cpu performance.
You mentioned color scheme being the deciding factor for the gpu, when you coulda just changed the color of your fans' accent plastic and used red cables instead of green. It looks good objectively, but my own tastes would call for less lights and accents, but that of course is secondary to performance.
its an i5 2400 not 2500k. That's a valid point, but I can afford it so why wait? I also am considering jumping on the enthusiast class platform if it's released next year, otherwise I'll jump on skylake or Haswell-E
Actually, it WAS already red in the beginnning... However, after my old GPU died, I decided to switch to a green theme to match my 970.
That doesn't answer the question, but I'd rather not dive too deep into this rabbit hole.... Its your system do with it what you please,
Are the gains for push-pull noticeably worth it in your experience? I have always tried to just do pull or if necessary push. Nice case by the way I love my air 540
Not really. Maybe a degree or two. It's merely for aesthetics. My 4790k is currently running the stock turbo of 4.4ghz @ 1.10v, so it doesn't really benefit from the cooling setup. I did have it overclocked to 4.8ghz @ 1.29v for a while, but running nearly 70c at load was not my cup of tea.
Interesting, I have a 290x and i got curious after seeing this post.
I decided to fire up my skyrim(it's been months) last night to see how just how much more mods i can load on top of what i have(which is just enb and 2k textures) - seeing that you didn't even push past 3.5GB - but i got serious artifacting even before i started to download any mods. This has never happened before
I didn't have the time to sit and figure out what the issue was. Probably gonna do that over the weekend.
Skyrim gets real fucky real fast when you push it to the max, maybe I can help, I'm no expert but I have dicked around with this game for years.
I don't think i'll be able to diagnose what's wrong with my skyrim this week. Probably in a week or so. Will try to fix it on my end first. If i really can't solutions, i'll let you know.
Thanks for the offer, though. Appreciate it.
I got just the regular R9-390 a few weeks ago instead of a new budget PC. Only thing is I'm stuck with the FX-4300 for now since I spent all my money on the 390. Waiting for Zen.
That might be a while. There has been no official timeframe that has been mentioned in the press, has there?
The 4300 will be a bottleneck for the 390. I don't think overclocking will remove that problem. Upgrade to a 6300, if possible.
Yeah, they say it'll be around October next year but I'm thinking I may get the 8350 or similar with some delicious Christmas money and sell it to get the Zen part.
On the bright side, I can now play HL2 at 300fps!
Solid idea. The 8320 could be good for you as well. Depends on how much you can spend. I hope there are deals for the FX chips where you live.