CA CHP 555 2011-2025 free printable template
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How to fill out CA CHP 555
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Instructions and Help about chp traffic collision report 555
What do I have to report my motor vehicle collision to the Department of Motor Vehicles? Welcome. My name is Frank Tunes; I’m a California personal injury attorney practicing in the State of California. Often times clients ask me, “I’ve been in a motor vehicle collision; why do I have to report to the Department of Motor Vehicles, especially if it’s not your fault?” California vehicle code requires that any motorist involved in a collision with more than $750 in property damage or any level of bodily injury must, within ten days, report the collision to the Department of Motor Vehicles. It’s not, so they could put a point on your record, it’s so that they can track who does and doesn't’t have proof of insurance. Failure to do so can result in your license being suspended. In fact, I’ve had several cases where the clients decided not to report it, the other side reports the collision, and they receive a letter in mail saying their license will be suspended for not reporting it. Usually, we are able to remedy the situation by reporting the collision to the department on the SR1 approved form from the DMV. Why am I telling you this? Well, if you’rewatching this, you have questions. I have answers to those questions. I want you to pick up the phone and call me at 559-436-0850. I’m Frank Tunes, and thanks for watching.
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What is CA CHP 555?
Who is required to file CA CHP 555?
How to fill out CA CHP 555?
What is the purpose of CA CHP 555?
What information must be reported on CA CHP 555?
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