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Backend Developer Hourly Rate Guide

Backend developers in the USA earn an average hourly rate of $40/hr although this could range anywhere between $25-$64/hr. The rates vary further depending on the experience level of the developer and the region they live in, with senior developers making a lot more than junior or intermediate-developers.


Backend developer hourly rates - Summary

The average hourly rate for a Backend developer is $40 per hour. According to Glassdoor, this amount can range in the United States of America from $25 to 64 per hour. In the nation, junior developers make about $35 per hour and senior developers make about $52 per hour.

While the aforementioned information came from Glassdoor's annual data, averaged to an hour, we also looked at Talent.com and ZipReruiter for hourly rate information. The hourly rate for a Backend developer, according to Talent.com, is about $56; this is significantly more than Glassdoor's estimate of $25–64.

The average hourly wage for Backend developers, according to ZipRecruiter, is around $50, which is closer to the figures from Talent.com. The range they provided is $12 to $78 per hour.

Factors that affect the Backend developer hourly rate

Backend developer hourly rates vary depending on many factors, including experience level, company type and size, skills, educational background, and location.

Experience level

The amount a Backend developer can earn per hour increases with experience. Naturally, a Backend developer with 5 years of experience will understand the nuances of the technology better than a new developer and will thus be paid more.

Size and type of business

It has been observed that product-based companies pay more to developers than service-based companies. This is because in the former case, the developer would have to take on more ownership. Furthermore, larger companies typically pay more, but this is not always the case.


A developer can expect a higher hourly pay if they are well versed in numerous related abilities that they can apply in the development process. A Backend developer who also knows some amount of frontend, for example, can work as a fullstack developer and so contribute more.

Background in education

While this isn't always true because abilities are valued more during the first few years in software, having a degree from a reputable college can help a developer obtain a higher salary at the start of their career.


We've seen that when the company and developer are located in higher-cost areas, the hourly fee is greater than in other areas. There will be more on this in the next section on this aspect.

Hiring Backend developers at the best price can be a challenge, but conducting thorough research can help you navigate this process effectively.

Backend Developer Salary By Location


In terms of Backend developer hourly rates, location appears to be an important deciding factor. We discovered that India and Egypt have rates as low as $5/hr and $3/hr, respectively, whereas the UK and Canada have rates close to $30/hr.

However, when it comes to freelancing and remote work, there is a more uniform distribution of hourly rates around the world. Furthermore, while the trend indicates lower rates in certain regions, this should not be interpreted as an indication of the developer's level of expertise.

Interested in hiring Backend Developer? Check out these vetted Talents.


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Backend Developer Salary vs Other Technologies


From our observations, we found that Backend developers earn about the same amount as frontend and fullstack developers. All of these, however, are in the $40-50/hr range. However, these are average amounts across multiple tech that lie under these umbrella categories.

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