April showers bring May flowers…or so the saying goes. Photography in adverse weather conditions and the problems faced by the photographer can lead to some breath-taking images. Again we take a look at landscapes and the sky where the effects of the elements can be noticeably clear to see, but sometimes you have to be quick off the mark to bag your image before it’s gone.
Poor light is something that can go hand-in-hand with adverse conditions and, as photographers, the ability to succeed in these testing conditions is down to a combination of factors. Experience, patience and being alert to the fast changing atmosphere and being able to read it, coupled with a decent camera, lens and knowledge of what you are doing.
The next time you are caught out in stormy conditions take a moment to assess everything around you from landscape to buildings and take note of their appearance under adverse conditions. Shooting in these conditions is aided by use of a fast lens, unless depth of field is an issue in the image you are shooting, consider a tripod which will allow you to work at slower shutter speeds and allow you to achieve maximum definition.
Poor light is not always a bad thing for the photographer. However it has the advantage of often allowing you to balance your picture by blending colours and reducing contrasts of light and shade. Rain poses a significant issue to us, mainly to our camera equipment and the added task of trying desperately to keep it dry. A shutter speed of at least 1/125 is usually enough to arrest its fall. With a touch of back lighting and dark backgrounds this scenario can throw up an effective way in which to create a dynamic image in the rain.
Fog and mist produce moisture in the atmosphere, and this diffuses light and creates a whole new set of problems, many of which cannot be resolved. If you can’t see through it to the subject you want to photograph then you either wait for it to lift or return another time. However, having said that, some great atmospheric and interesting images can be created under these conditions and fog or mist should never be thought of as something to stop you getting out with your camera.
Take our native highlands in Scotland and we need go no further for temperamental even extreme weather formations in all seasons, in fact it’s common for us to experience all four seasons in one day.
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