Words From The Soul ❤️

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"Sometimes holding on does more damage than letting go." 💭 Have you ever found yourself clinging onto something just because it's familiar or comfortable, even though deep down you know it's no longer serving you? Letting go can be one of the hardest things to do, but it's often necessary for growth and self-preservation. As the saying goes, "Letting go doesn't mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be." 🌸 Holding on to toxic relationships, unfulfilling jobs,...
Trying To See The Good In Them
We wanted to believe in them. We wanted to believe in their potential for change. We wanted to believe they didn’t mean it. We wanted to believe they couldn’t hurt us again. We wanted to believe in their words. We wanted to believe a lot. And not the truth of what they actually showed us with their actions. #poetrybyonur #onurtaskiranpoetry #emotionalabuse #vulnerablenarcissist #redflags
Reposting @growthrun: In my 20s I was thrashing around in the water, trying to keep my head above it. In my 30s, I realized it was only three feet deep and I stood up. - Leslie Bradshaw
Your Heart Is The Sea
Your Heart Is The Sea, a Book by Nikita Gill | Shop Catalog
Disrespectful people
Disrespectful people | #Relationshipquestions #Relationshippsychology #Relationshiplessons #Relationshipquotes #Lovepsychologyfacts