12 Pins
10 Important Things to Consider When Building a Duck Coop
10 Important Things to Consider When Building a Duck Coop
Backyard Ducks for Absolute Beginners
I am so excited - only T minus 3 days until our ducklings arrive! Check out Backyard Ducks for Absolute Beginners to see how we are getting ready
Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Crafty - 30 Pics
Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Crafty – 30 Pics
Raising Ducklings Fresh Eggs Daily for HGTV Gardens
Raising Ducks or Chickens?
Ducks or Chickens... ten reasons why raising ducks might be a better choice.
5 Reasons To Want Ducks • Daddykirbs Farm
5 Reasons to Want Ducks - We love our chickens, but the ducks have a special place in our heats and on the Daddykirbs Farm.
DIY Waterer for Ducks and Geese • The Prairie Homestead
Origianally from the Blue Yurt Farms, but I couldn't get the link to work~homemade duck or goose waterer
BEIs and Cayuga pictures please...
Cayuga Ducks Lay 100-150 eggs per year. Can not fly. Are calm and can be tamed. Eggs are black early in the season and are white at the end of the season. They will begin to have white feathers as they get older.
Small Backyard Chicken coops...kinda cool
"Added a hole in the kiddy swimming pool, and put in a standard cork. The bottom I made a makeshift septic system. So you put out the plug, it drains, Spray it with a hose and let the ducks get back to playing." - Genius!
What does your duck house look like?
This is an ideal duck pen. Raised duck pond then drain the water to use in the garden!