Iron Rich Smoothie

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EAT Your Iron! Its easy to include these nutrient-dense foods in your regular diet, just a dash of Ultra-Dense!
Green Iron Smoothie
Green Iron Smoothie 2 bananas – 6% 2 cups spinach – 10% 1 cup soy milk – 9% 3 tablespoons raw cacao powder* – 10% 1 tablespoon blackstrap molasses* – 15% 1/2 tablespoon spirulina powder* – 10% 1 teaspoon vanilla extract – 0% 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon – 1%
CafeSigrun | Cleansing Iron Rich Smoothie
This smoothie is particularly good for women since it is packed with iron from the beets (beetroots) and folic acid which is important for pregnant women. It also contains orange juice which means that the iron is more easily absorbed and the smoothie doesn't contain any dairy products which again means good news for iron absorption. The beets are very good for cleansing the liver and our digestive system. Just like the beets, the blueberries are absolutely packed with antioxidants (more so ...
Strawberry Spinach Smoothie Recipe - Video Tutorial
Strawberry Spinach Smoothie •1 cup mango juice (Orange Juice also works well) •½ cup yogurt •½ lb fresh or frozen strawberries, halved or quartered •½ lb fresh or frozen blueberries •1 banana •1 cup packed fresh spinach •Drizzle of honey (about 1 Tbsp)