Chinese History

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Elite Military Units of the Early Warring States: 战国初期精锐部
20 years after their bitter crushing at Yin Jin, Qin revenged itself savagely upon a much weakened Wei in 366BC and retook Hexi. After transforming this vital pass into a gate pass for the Qin, the initiative returned to Qin and they began to aggressively meddle in central state's affairs.
👑The Emperor Meiji Goes Out on a Horse-Drawn Carriage from the Imperial Palace Tokyo👑
👑The Emperor Meiji Ride a Horse-Drawn Carriage and Go Crosses the Double Bridge at the Imperial Palace Tokyo👑
Buddhist Quote for the day
正见 妙莲老和尚 正见宝镜照妖邪,魔鬼不敢现影踪, 狂慧虽有强词辩,永远不敌法王城。 大家学了佛就只有佛法的正见、只有佛陀的观念:佛陀的观念是大公无私,利益一切人,不残害一切众生。有了佛陀观念就能斩情绝爱,以自己了生死为第一要事,也以大家都能了生死为第一要事。舍此第一要事是盲修。没有佛陀的知见就会以私心做事,只为自己,造成不公平,不公平是小人的作为,那堪为佛弟子?佛弟子是转凡情、大公无私,以这样的高上观念来安定人心,那有世界不和平? 佛法绝对是慈悲,绝对是有感应的,但要按照次第一步一步的来。时间未到,你想亦没有;时间一到,你不想它也有。苦乐果报皆如此,天平趸子不会错的。你放心好了;因果不会错误的
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