Party-A Pirate Looks At "30"

(This party is perfect for my honey!) Theme: {A Pirate Looks at 30} A Jimmy Buffet Surprise Party...Toes in the sand…a drink in hand… celebrating 30 years with lots of Mexican beers! Jimmy Buffett-themed beach bash Inspired by all things Buffet, use Jimmy’s lyrics to tie together a party fit for a Parrothead...‘Boat Drinks’ & Desserts Table: This table filled with yummies for the young at heart and some treats for those over 21 years of age.. •‘Nibbling on spongecake‘ cupcakes -fondant toppers: a cheeseburger, flip flops, a volcano, a shark, a parrot, and a shaker of salt (with a mini lime). • ‘Bottoms Up‘ cake shots layered banana cake with frosting, whipped cream, and sprinkles. •‘Margaritaville‘ cakelettes on sticks and ‘Fins’ cakelettes swimming in a sea of blue M & M candies. •‘Lost Shakers of Salt‘ filled with margarita-flavored Jelly Belly beans. •‘Sandbars‘ rice cereal treats topped with a gummy cheeseburger lounging under a mini umbrella. •‘It’s 5 o’clock somewhere‘ cookies with that oh-so important hour of happiness. Gotta love the parrot as the hour and minute hand!. •Cocktails: Corona beers on ice with lime slices, vintage Coca-Cola bottles with mini Captain Morgan rum bottles, and Jose Quervo tequila mini bottles displayed next to shot glasses filled with gummy worms.. ‘Buffett’ Buffet Food Table • ‘Cheeseburgers in Paradise‘… I liked mine with lettuce and tomato • ‘French Fried Potatoes‘… like a veggie crudités, but with fries, ketchup and a dill pickle •‘Wastin’ Away Again…‘ Jell-O cups filled with lime jello and Knox gelatin, topped with a candy lime. ‘Pirate Booty’ Favor Table: faux Ray Ban sunglasses, sunscreen tubes, pirate eye-patches, mini customized Heinz 57 bottles, juicy fruit gum, and flip flops (Of course, all cleverly labeled with song lyrics)!. ‘The Captain was Here’! Arrrgghhh!. Life’s a Beach!”
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Sleeping Solutions by SnoreMagazine - SnoreMagazine
"Searching is half the fun : Life is much more manageable when though of as a scavenger hunt as opposed to a surprise party" -Jimmy Buffet
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Parrot Head parkin'...dated one o' them awhile back...bless his sad heart...
Margaritaville | News
Now this is how you throw a Margaritaville party! Repin if you could use a margarita right now.
Jimmy Buffett party! I love this! My dad is a huge Buffett fan... I grew up singing Cheese burger in Paradise!
Margaritaville | News
Now this is how you throw a Margaritaville party! Repin if you could use a margarita right now.
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Parrot Head parkin'...dated one o' them awhile back...bless his sad heart...
Wild Bill's idea of Margaritaville decorating - unique & funny signs!
Maragritaville Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 22 of 47
Maragritaville Birthday Party Ideas | Photo 22 of 47 | Catch My Party
11 Likes, 2 Comments - @andywbrown on Instagram: “#nationalcheeseburgerday #jimmybuffet #cheeseburgerinparadise #lyrics #eatemandsmile #wheresthebeef”
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