Barbie party decorations

Stephanie Dardenne on Instagram: "Ever wondered how to nail the “sweetest” party decor without breaking the bank? 🍭 As a mom & DIY party planner, I’m always on the hunt for clever hacks to pull off stunning centerpieces. Let’s face it, real flowers and other usual options can cost an arm and a leg! 🌸💸 Many attempt to build something or opt for costly pre-made options, only to end up with a wonky tablescape or an empty wallet. Not exactly the festive vibe we’re going for, right? 🙅‍♀️ So, how did I solve this?🤔 By using a pool noodle! Yes, you read that right. Your summer floatie can double as the backbone of a drool-worthy, candy-themed tablescape. 🍭🍬 The outcome? An eye-popping, mouth-watering candy land that not only held up beautifully but also saved the day (and my budget!
Decorando una Pringles - Barbie
¡Únete a la diversión de crear tu propio kit para fiestas! Sin necesidad de herramientas complicadas, todo se hace a mano con tijeras. Utilizaremos papel tamaño A4, papel fotográfico grueso y brillante, y diseñaremos con el programa gratuito Silhouette Studio. Ve al link de este video ahí estará toda la información! • • • • • • Papelería | Papelería creativa | Stationery | Creating | Colores | Creatividad #papeleriacreativa #kitsparafiestas #diy #barbie
This may contain: someone is holding up a cup with a pink bow on it that says, barbie
Ideas creativas @detail_siemprecontigo