Wellesley Hills Juniors Women's Club

The WHJWC is a volunteer organization dedicated to community service. Four fundraisers: the Wellesley Phone Book, the Wellesley Marketplace Craft Festival, Luminary Night and the Wellesley Kitchen Tour, provide scholarships for Wellesley students and support many area charitable organizations.
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Want to gain visibility in the community? Advertise in the WHJWC's Phone Book! :)
3,000 luminary kits! Wellesley was "glowing" with love.
Last year's veterans parade. Can't wait for this year's in two weeks!
My home on Luminary Night this past winter. A beautiful celebration of the season.
Our fabulous phone book team! I'm so glad to work with you ladies.
Saturday, May 5, 2012 11:00am - 3:00pm - Come be inspired!