I CAN get organized!

230 Pins
How to Keep Sentimental Items Without the Clutter
Discover ways to hold onto all your sentimental keepsakes without having them clutter up your home! It's all about organization, storage and displaying them.
How to Declutter Memorabilia… Even if You’re Sentimental - Rose Lounsbury
Here’s practical advice on how to declutter memorabilia even if you’re a sentimental person. Ask yourself who are you saving memorabilia for? The truth is memories live in your heart and your mind and not in your stuff. Minimalism and decluttering has helped me find a sense of calm and control in my crazy life. Find out more on how to simplify your life over here. Take control and find more freedom today.
Declutter Boxes In Basements & Attics
Learn how to declutter boxes of random forgotten stuff in your attic, basement, garage and cupboards or under your beds with this quick and simple but powerful decluttering methods and tips.
Photo Organizing Made Easy: Going from Overwhelmed to Overjoyed
"No organizing project is more daunting than photographs, and no one is better equipped to walk you through the process than Cathi Nelson!" -Julie Morgenstern, New York Times Best-selling Author Our photos. They are the keepers of our most precious memories and the tellers of our most cherished stories. But in the digital age, and when free time is nonexistent, organizing your photos - the thousands stored in shoeboxes under your bed, in fading photo albums, and on your phone - is a daunting tas