WFC: ENG Creative Writing

Creative writing competition Year 7-10. To provide a range of stimulus for students in preparation for their creative writing entry for the WFC Creative Writing Competition.Theme: Remembering War (ANZAC), Melbourne: now & then, Childhood, Sport, Timor Leste, Travel, Family, Items: Songs, Art, Websites, Sound bites, Footage, Photos, Interviews, Toys, Clothing, Scents, Medals, Letters, Posters, quotes
119 Pins
Infographic: 14 top tips from Stephen King's On Writing - Hodderscape
Stephen King On Writing Infographic || I actually have his book on how to write I just need to get around to reading it
John Grisham’s Do’s and Don’ts for Writing Popular Fiction (Published 2017)
John Grisham’s Do’s and Don’ts for Writing Popular Fiction - The New York Times
Vision Boarding for Writers
Goodreads | Tristan Bancks's Blog - Vision Boarding for Writers - June 08, 2017 05:57
Make A Writing Jar (Plus 101 Prompts to Fill it!)
This is such a fun way to get your kids writing! These prompts are great, creative, and fun! The kids really enjoy getting to pick out of the jar!
Writing 25 Word Stories [Handout] | THE TEMPERED RADICAL
Writing 25 Word Stories [Handout] | THE TEMPERED RADICAL
Writing Narrative Endings - Kristine Nannini
Writing Endings Anchor Chart Freebie - Young Teacher Love by Kristine Nannini
128 Words to Use Instead of Very - Awesome
128 Words to Use Instead of Very