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intro to piano
I have openings for piano students for fall lessons. This week October 1-4 book a lesson get a lesson $5 off!
Note Values Explained - Beginner Music Theory - Yanick Drums
A note value indicates the length of a note, meaning how long you hold a note for. A note can have three different parts: head, stem, flag Here are the most commonly notes you see in music. Whole note: This note is a open note and has no stem and flag. Half note: Another open note with a stem. Quarter note: is a filled note with a stem. Eighth note: Filled note with a stem and flag or 2 eighth notes be connected. Sixteeth note: a filled note with a stem and 2 flags or next to it is how multiply sixteenth notes together look like. Thirty-second note: a filled note with a stem and 3 flags. Going from a open note which will last much longer compared to a filled note with flags. How long a note actually last depends on the tempo a piece is played in. Follow me for more!
Intervals explained part 4 - Beginner Music Theory - Yanick Drums
Perfect intervals are intervals that have a very stable and consonant sound. They're called perfect because they're considered the most pure and complete sounding intervals. The four perfect intervals are: Unison, fourth, fifth and octave. If you would flip/ invert them the unison stays unison and the octave stays a octave. A perfect 4 becomes a perfect 5 and a perfect 5 turns into a perfect 4. Major intervals are: second, third, sixth and seventh. When you take any of these major intervals and you lower them by one semitone (half step) without changing the letter name you now have minor intervals. Follow me for more!
Stem Direction And Dot Placement Explained - Beginner Music Theory - Yanick Drums
When a note has a stem the stem can either go up or down. The note position on the stave tells us what direction the stem should go. If a note is below the middle line the stem will go up. If a note is above the middle line the stem will go down. Which way do the stems go on the middle line you may ask? They can either be drawn up or down depending on the situation. It's really important to draw the stem on the right side of the note! Take a good look at the example to see on what side you need to draw the stem. Right away learn where to place the dot note on a stave. REMEMBER: the dot never goes to the left of the note! Follow me for more!