Refinish Furniture hacks

40 Pins
175K views · 8.1K reactions | Can you believe this dresser was FAMOUS?? What do you think of the end result? Products are linked in the comments! | Refurbishedish
175K views · 8.1K reactions | Can you believe this dresser was FAMOUS?? What do you think of the end result? Products are linked in the comments! | Refurbishedish
563K views · 3.3K reactions | This wallpaper trick is fab for adding detail onto pieces or covering up imperfections on pieces that are a bit worse for wear (like this one!) | FAFF Designs
563K views · 3.3K reactions | This wallpaper trick is fab for adding detail onto pieces or covering up imperfections on pieces that are a bit worse for wear (like this one!) | FAFF Designs
120K views · 3.2K reactions | Step by step tutorial coming soon! Products used 👉Colors: Azucar, South Beach, Siva Grey, Silver Bird Transfer and Polaris decor wax by @redesignwithprima | Kaćha Furniture
120K views · 3.2K reactions | Step by step tutorial coming soon! Products used 👉Colors: Azucar, South Beach, Siva Grey, Silver Bird Transfer and Polaris decor wax by @redesignwithprima | Kaćha Furniture
110K views · 957 reactions | Furniture repair hack #hack #hacks #repair #mold #cast #hotglue #craft #furnitureflip #furniture #furnituremakeover #refinish #refurbish #paintedfurniture #diyproject #diy #paratii #foryou #woodworking #wood #tools #howto #howtotiktok #fixerupper #beforeandafter | Rosie's Rustics
110K views · 957 reactions | Furniture repair hack #hack #hacks #repair #mold #cast #hotglue #craft #furnitureflip #furniture #furnituremakeover #refinish #refurbish #paintedfurniture #diyproject #diy #paratii #foryou #woodworking #wood #tools #howto #howtotiktok #fixerupper #beforeandafter | Rosie's Rustics
90K views · 2.1K reactions | Let's talk about topcoats⤵️ Oil based and water based topcoats are two verisons of the same product. Often referred to as polyurethane or poly, is a clear, thin liquid coating that protects wood and enhances the wood grain. It is similar to varnish, shellac, and lacquer, except that polyurethane is polymer-based. Here are a few qualities of each⤵️ • Oil-based topcoats will amber over time and add depth to a quality wood grain, as shown in this video. Also, the better the wood, the better the color. The topcoat I'm using is an oil based resin that builds depth and sheen over a three coat application. It dries rock hard for an extremely durable finish. I'm using gloss, but it comes in other sheens as well. This is my go-to for a functional finish on a restoration. • Water-based top coats dry clear and are best for painted finishes or any finish that you don't want ambering. This is my general go-to when not doing a restoration. Which should you use? Take these things into consideration when making your choice⤵️ • Never use any water-based topcoat with oils such as Danish, Tung, or Linseed. Those products are different from an oil topcoat finish that will dry sealed, where it's safe to add water based over the top. • Water-based top coats clean up with soap and water while oil-based topcoats require mineral spirits for cleanup. In addition, they can be thinned simply by adding water. • If you use water-based topcoats over oil-based finishes, make sure that you wait 72 hours between the two products. It is essential to let the oil finish dry longer. • Both products can be brushed or sprayed. Review the manufacturer recommendations for your specific product. We use and love both water and oil based finishes. Each project will vary in its needs for the best finish. You can find my favorites linkednin my Amazon in bio #furnituredesign #furniture #diy #renovation #woodworking #home #diy #painting #antiquefurniture | Saved By Design
90K views · 2.1K reactions | Let's talk about topcoats⤵️ Oil based and water based topcoats are two verisons of the same product. Often referred to as polyurethane or poly, is a clear, thin liquid coating that protects wood and enhances the wood grain. It is similar to varnish, shellac, and lacquer, except that polyurethane is polymer-based. Here are a few qualities of each⤵️ • Oil-based topcoats will amber over time and add depth to a quality wood grain, as shown in this video. Also, the better the wood, the better the color. The topcoat I'm using is an oil based resin that builds depth and sheen over a three coat application. It dries rock hard for an extremely durable finish. I'm using gloss, but it comes in other sheens as well. This is my go-to for a functional finish on a restorati
832K views · 13K reactions | Upcycling Thrifted Mirrors | pt 1 | Furniture Flipping Teacher
832K views · 13K reactions | Upcycling Thrifted Mirrors | pt 1 | Furniture Flipping Teacher
3.5M views · 37K reactions | Tricky Antique Table Restoration | Tricky Antique Table Restoration | By Salvaged by k. scott | I found this antique American Empire style table at the thrift store covered in gummy latex paint for only thirty dollars. After bringing it home and taking a closer look at the bottom, I could see that this table was made from quarters on oak and I really hoped that I'd be able to restore it. I started by removing as much of the paint as I could with my carbide scraper and then continued getting the paint out of the deeper wood grain and the spots where my scraper wasn't working with my sander. I used some metal dental picks to pick the paint out of some old scratches and dents and then decided to completely remove the really badly damaged veneer edge banding from the tabletop. As I worked on the base of the table, I noticed that there was a really bad split across one entire side. So, I decided to fix it with some dowels. I drilled a few holes on either side of the crack going all the way through the split and then, glued the dowels in place and clamped the base to hold everything together while the glue set up. The next morning I trimmed the excess dowel pieces with my multi tool and then just continued making repairs with some wood filler. I did also attempt to steam out a few of the deeper gouges on the tabletop with a washcloth and an iron but that didn't end up doing much. You. After a little bit more wood filler and my final smoothing sand, I was ready to restain the table. So, I first applied a coat of wood conditioner and then wiped on some English chestnut penetrating wood stain which is pretty close to the original stain color on the underside. I used the tiniest bit of paint just to camouflage a few spots of old wood filler on the base and then sealed everything up with a few coats of wipe on polyurethane just sanding in between with some 600 grit to keep it silky smooth. I installed some replica casters like the table would have had to begin with and then bolted the top back onto the base. This tiger oak piece was definitely worth the effort. Make sure that you're following me here for an eclectic mix of furniture flips.
3.5M views · 37K reactions | Tricky Antique Table Restoration | Tricky Antique Table Restoration | By Salvaged by k. scott | I found this antique American Empire style table at the thrift store covered in gummy latex paint for only thirty dollars. After bringing it home and taking a closer look at the bottom, I could see that this table was made from quarters on oak and I really hoped that I'd be able to restore it. I started by removing as much of the paint as I could with my carbide scraper and then continued getting the paint out of the deeper wood grain and the spots where my scraper wasn't working with my sander. I used some metal dental picks to pick the paint out of some old scratches and dents and then decided to completely remove the really badly damaged veneer edge banding from t
2.2K views | Comment “SAVE” to get a link to these materials!🫶🏼 This seriously is worth it to me every time and it helps me not have to fixate on getting a perfect clean finish. So, in my opinion, it’s silly not to try it😉 #diy #furnitureflipping #hack #tip #fyp #fypシ #sidehustle #savingmoney | Mariah Flips Furniture
2.2K views | Comment “SAVE” to get a link to these materials!🫶🏼 This seriously is worth it to me every time and it helps me not have to fixate on getting a perfect clean finish. So, in my opinion, it’s silly not to try it😉 #diy #furnitureflipping #hack #tip #fyp #fypシ #sidehustle #savingmoney | Mariah Flips Furniture
138K views · 1.8K reactions | How To Hand Paint And Make It Look Factory Smooth!!! #diy #paintedfurniture #furnitureflip | The Broken Masterpiece
138K views · 1.8K reactions | How To Hand Paint And Make It Look Factory Smooth!!! #diy #paintedfurniture #furnitureflip | The Broken Masterpiece
15K views · 183 reactions | 200_DETAILS👇🏽 This vintage wardrobe was in pretty rough shape when I got it As soon as I saw it, I envis | Tip Life
15K views · 183 reactions | 200_DETAILS👇🏽 This vintage wardrobe was in pretty rough shape when I got it As soon as I saw it, I envis | Tip Life
212K views · 5.1K reactions | Free Dresser Gets a Green Makeover | Free Dresser Gets a Green Makeover Watch how this outdated dresser gets a custom green makeover! #diy #furnituremakeover #furnitureflip #paintedfurniture | By Holly's Garage | Only had two days to flip this huge buffet and you won't believe how much it cost. The second we unloaded this super heavy piece, the clock was ticking and so I started by scrubbing it down with some simple green before giving it a skef sand with some 150 grit and since this is a factory piece, we want to make sure we roughen up that super smooth surface for a primer to stick to. Luckily, this piece was in really good shape so there wasn't any major damage. For us, filling takes up the majority of the time we spent on a flip since a lot of pieces that we get are beat up. So to see that there wasn't really much to fix means we are right on schedule. So we're now ready to move on to primer and recently we've been tinting our primer with just a bit of paint for just some extra coverage. You probably won't be able to tell because well neither could we. So I usually do spray my pieces because I find that it gives me a much smoother application than if I did it by hand and on top of that it is so much quicker. So it came in extra handy because we were so pressed for time. After that primer dries, we make sure to sand it all down so the paint lays really smooth on top and I don't know about you guys in your area but green has been selling super fast for us lately. We've done five green pieces recently and they've all sold within a couple days so it's definitely not a coincidence. The first coat came out a little light for what I had in mind for this piece so we darkened it a bit with some black for the second coat. I just thought it gave it a more like mature natural feel. And then finally to protect the piece we're spraying on some polyurethane. I just strained some into the sprayer with what was left of the green and then that prevents the poly from coming out a little bit milky. Now, I'm not a huge fan of these chrome handles especially not with the green color so I clean them up before giving them a quick coat of a bronze spray paint. So, the one you see me using here is called antique brass and it is so pretty. If you haven't tried it, please do. It's like right in the middle of gold, bronze, and silver so it's also super versatile. So now we are at the end of our two days. She looks amazing and I'm finally ready to tell you how much I spent on this thing. So believe it or not this thing was free and then all of our supplies together was probably only ten dollars. And then we were able to sell it for $500, which I'm really pleased with. That's it. Thanks for watching.
212K views · 5.1K reactions | Free Dresser Gets a Green Makeover | Free Dresser Gets a Green Makeover Watch how this outdated dresser gets a custom green makeover! #diy #furnituremakeover #furnitureflip #paintedfurniture | By Holly's Garage | Only had two days to flip this huge buffet and you won't believe how much it cost. The second we unloaded this super heavy piece, the clock was ticking and so I started by scrubbing it down with some simple green before giving it a skef sand with some 150 grit and since this is a factory piece, we want to make sure we roughen up that super smooth surface for a primer to stick to. Luckily, this piece was in really good shape so there wasn't any major damage. For us, filling takes up the majority of the time we spent on a flip since a lot of pieces t
21K views · 778 reactions | Let’s modernize this $100 thrifted dresser! If you’re new here, HI! I’m Sammie, and I’m a Navy wife & SAHM who makes money from home by flipping furn #asmnsounds #satisfyingvideos #satifying #satisfaction #fyp #reels #adsonreels #viral #reelsfb #OMG | Sammie Sammie
21K views · 778 reactions | Let’s modernize this $100 thrifted dresser! If you’re new here, HI! I’m Sammie, and I’m a Navy wife & SAHM who makes money from home by flipping furn #asmnsounds #satisfyingvideos #satifying #satisfaction #fyp #reels #adsonreels #viral #reelsfb #OMG | Sammie Sammie
2.5M views · 47K reactions | Let’s pay some bills! 💰 Comment “TAN WASH” for everything I used!If you’re new here, hi, I’m Sammie! I’m a Navy wife & SAHM who makes money from home by flipping furniture and doing content creation. If you want to learn how to do the same (& cover those upcoming Christmas presents), comment “GUIDE” for my guide to buying, flipping, and selling furniture for profit! 💸 I grabbed this dresser for $75 off @facebookmarketplace, and was obsessed with the clean lines. SO MUCH POTENTIAL. The dark wood wasn’t my style, so we gave it a full makeover, by stripping it down and adding a tan wash with some watered down paint. Let me know what you think in the comments! #diy #furnituremakeover #furnitureflip | Salvaged By Sammie
1M views · 19K reactions | Let’s pay some bills! 💰 Comment “TAN WASH” for everything I used!If you’re new here, hi, I’m Sammie! I’m a Navy wife & SAHM who makes money from home by flipping furniture and doing content creation. If you want to learn how to do the same (& cover those upcoming Christmas presents), comment “GUIDE” for my guide to buying, flipping, and selling furniture for profit! 💸 I grabbed this dresser for $75 off @facebookmarketplace, and was obsessed with the clean lines. SO MUCH POTENTIAL. The dark wood wasn’t my style, so we gave it a full makeover, by stripping it down and adding a tan wash with some watered down paint. Let me know what you think in the comments! #diy #furnituremakeover #furnitureflip | Salvaged By Sammie