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Care package I sent to babe when he got his wisdom teeth taken out #military #carepackage #airforce #deployment
gift for him, wisdom tooth removal care kit filled with soft foods to eat after getting teeth pulled. Pudding, apple sauce, yogurt, Mac and cheese, chocolate, soup, ice cream, and even baby food (as a joke).
Wisdom Teeth Removal Care Package...Post-care instructions, greeting card, applesauce, pudding, gauze, Advil, ice pack, Chapstick and something a little cuddly
Eat to Nguyen
Post wisdom teeth healthy foods
24 Foods You Can Eat After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Out
Foods to eat after you have your wisdom teeth removed, including Basic Creamy Polenta
50 Soft Foods to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal
50 soft foods to eat after you get your teeth out
How to Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery: 14 Steps
How to Recover after Wisdom Teeth Surgery: 14 Steps. Going to have to remember this for whenever I have kids and they have to have their wisdom teeth pulled.