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Joseph I'Anson on Instagram: "💍How to💍 SHORT HAIR HACK! To all my shorter haired people out there, I am always looking at ways to get your hair up especially this festive season. Here is a fabulous way to create a beautiful elegant hair up! 🤍 Using the ghd platinum+ @ghdhairpro L’IMAGE Mannequin - “Louisa” from @equip_the_creative use code Joseph10 at the checkout to get 10% off your order. 🤍 #hairvideos #hairvideo #hairtutorial #hairtutorials #updo #updos #updotutorial #hairup #hairups #hairupdo #hairgoals #hairfashion #halfuphalfdown #hughbun #halfuphalfdownhairstyle #bridalhair #girlsaloud #bridalhairstyle #bridalhairstyles #hairreel #reel #reels #réel #reelitin #artist #artistic #arttutorial #art #hairart #hairartist @behindthechair_com @markleesonsalons @limage_gmbh @hairtut